I have to share my new found love!

Nov 29, 2004 15:55

I just picked up the Ben Taylor Band EP, I am so in love with this guy!

Hmmm... While I am here I should say something interesting.... Well I'm coming up blank so let me tell you about my boring weekend instead :)

I had a complete freakout and had to re-organize my Kitchen, dining area, and jewelry making area. I think I wound up cleaning my kitchen 3 times this weekend, everytime I re-arranged I had to re-clean... I have to get a life, but on the upside I am Mostly happy with my kitchen set-up now.

I made enough PeteLoaf to feed a small army, and only had Don Krissie and myself to feed. There is enough left-over that I will be feeding Shannon for days, and I have a huge hunk in my freezer. Way to cook for an army when all the people you know here barely make up a unit :)

I went out for drinks with Don's sister Toni Saturday, we had a great time. She is working her way into the dating world, and I am a jaded bitch who has been around the block a few hundred times so I gave her some advice. And then told her how far that would get her, me still being single and all. We are going to go Galaxy bowling with one of her friends in two weeks, should be fun.

I did make a pretty neat new necklace, and I have a few ideas for others. Now I have to go buy some filler beads and pay out the ass for beading wire. I have decided that the beads are costing me a freakin fortune so I might as well pay a billion dollars for wire as well :)

Tonight I am going to a tattoo parlor to discuss long-term commitments, as in I would like to see some of this guys work and see if he would be willing to commit to doing an Asian/Japanese themed sleve on my left arm. I am saving my right arm for a friend if we ever wind up in the same spot at the same time (Heya Festor! How do you feel about doing a henna type sleeve on my left arm?) I figure I might as well jump into this whole thing with both feet.

I have 6 other tattoo's but I have kept them all "Under Business Casual", meaning I could work in a short-sleeve type suit and you would never know. I figure I'm far enough down my chosen path in life that I am going to do what I want instead of what I should. If I have to work in an office with a dress code in the future (don't hold your breath, I have passed up many a high paying job to wear my jeans and tank tops every day :) most offices have central air so I will just learn to love long-sleeve's.
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