Welcome to the world, baby Sam!

Nov 28, 2008 20:17

Well, he's FINALLY here!

After being 9 days late, and just so done with pregnancy issues in the end, they induced me on Sunday at 1:45pm with the Cervidil patch thing. At 2:05pm, my doctor comes in and says she got me the okay to break my water and take the Cervidil out and put me on Pitocin instead, because she was the doctor on call for the weekend and if I wanted her to do the birth she could make things progress faster so I would have him before she left at the end of her shift. Around 3pm, I was checked and only still measured 2.5cm and was 50% effaced. Fastforward a few hours to 6pm when all hell broke lose. My back was in so much pain from contractions nonstop, one over the other. like they werent even 10secs apart. and the baby wasnt liking it. his heartbeat was going down everytime and come to find out later, he was facing up instead of down which is the reason for the back labor. Got the epidural at 9:15pm cuz I just COULDNT take it anymore, but it only worked on one side of my body so I felt everything for 22hrs on the other. At that point I was only 4cm and 70%. Things were moving TOO slow for my liking. At 11:45pm, I was now at 6cm and 80%. Seriously, could this labor be any longer? By 8am the next morning, I was finally dilated to something that made me feel a bit better. 9.5cm and 95% effaced. But at that point pain was just not tolerable any longer. And thinking now that I still had 3 more hrs of that to go through is just like WOW, how did I do that? Anyway, I dont remember too many details of when I started pushing, but that was the most difficult part. I was bawling my eyes out at this point (like a colic-y baby, ya know?). Once I did get the okay to start pushing, things were moving slowly. He seemed like he just didnt want to come out. And then like I said before, he was facing up towards the ceiling so they had to use forceps to flip him over and do an episiotomy cuz his head wouldnt go through.

But all bad things come to an end and finally he was born at 11:11am (november 24th) with one of his hands sticking up by his head, in a superman kinda position. Claiming victory. HAHA! I had to laugh at that through all the tears. I then come to find out from my mother that my doc (who is her cousin) had ordered an emergency c-section and they were actually ready and waiting for me, until the last second when she saw I "might" be able to make it through if she did the epi and I calmed down a bit. So I am glad I didnt have to have a c-section on top of that too... I feel like I'm still even forgetting something from this whole story but thats the main points I guess.

He weighed 8lbs 2oz and was 21inches long. Big baby for my small size!

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