I hate my neighbors!

Jul 20, 2008 08:48

Well isn't that great!?! I move to the nicest place of town and then 3 months later my neighbors start doing construction on their building..For what you ask? A CREMATORIUM! Ewww! I mean, it was already bad enough living next to a funeral home, but now they're adding a full 2nd floor (and basement) to be a crematorium and other things like that. I DO NOT want to see dead people being burned as I eat my breakfast in the morning!! GRRR

People have been making petition after petition about this, but nothing's being done. I guess most of them dont care as they dont live around here. But I mean, what about us? What about health issues? I'm pregnant! I dont want my baby and I to be breathing in some toxic waste (mercury amongst other things). BLAH!!
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