Nov 23, 2005 20:36
I'm fucking sick to death of this shit hole town and all its ugly fuck inhabitants already.
I hope there's a nuclear fucking explosion and it wipes out all the inbreds.
Like its my fault you're pathetic.
I loooooooooooove working.
On the up side, I ordered the new HeadWound City EP.
The fact that there's a track called "Michael J. Fox" makes them amazing.
And, of course, that its 2/3 Blood Bros. Yep. Snazzy.
PS Schuylkill County Wannabes; Stop trying to make "The Scene" happen. It's not going to happen. Ever.
So, like, put away your He Is Legend hoodies, unbleach/black your stringy ass hair, and stop coming into BBW with your noses curled up. You don't go to college. You don't have a car. And you live here. Basically, any image you're trying to put forth about yourself is nil, because you didn't have creds to start with. And probably never will.