(no subject)

Sep 10, 2006 11:25

So I figured I should probably update. Band is going well. We have our first and second pieces on the field, and we've marched it already, at a football game. Of course it could have been better, but it really wasnt bad at all. Hopefully we're getting more drill for our third number tomorrow, but Im not going to believe it until I see it. We went to Steak n Shake after the game, which is right by Ihop where all the NHS kids go, so we stopped in there for a little while, then went to hang with out band. Me, Chantelle, Rachel, Devonte, Brad, and Jared ended up staying in the parkinglot until like, 130 in the morning. it was crazy, but alot of fun. And we won our game, 28-23. It was a great game. Then yesterday, we went to play soccer at the NHS soccer field, then we went to Moriahs house and had like, korean ramen noodles, which of course, were fantastic. Then we went to go see the Covenant. Soooo good. And theres sooo going to be another one. Then we went to pws and stayed there for a while. Then me, Meg, Chantelle, and Lexi came back to my house, and watched a movie. Then, at about 4 this morning, Lexi crawls on the floor and is moaning and crying in pain, on the phone with her sister. Her sister tells us to take her to the hospital (mind you, my parents arent in town, so my friend whos 24, who i've known all my life was here) and we took her there, and Megs mom met us there. So I, of course, forgot my phone. Me and meg ran to go get it, and of course, my car runs out of gas. So we called our friend Wesley, who was back from Clemson, to come get us, and we had to make like, 3 trips to my house (which is seriously, all of a minute away from the hospital) because we have a gas can at my house with gas in it, and i grabbed the wrong funnel. Then we got the right one, and it started. Then we found out, Lexi has a bladder infection AND a 2mm kidney stone. D= Then we tell her mom what happened, and her mom bought me a full take of gas, and power steering fluid. So, needless to say, it was a very interestiung morning, from 4-7. Good thing everyone is okay though. And, we (the band) are playing at Rock Hill Reads (a literacy walk) at 130, so I better go.
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