missing you

Nov 20, 2010 19:46

Tittle : Missing You
Type : One-shot
Pairing : Lee Hyukjae x You/Reader, with special guest : Lee Donghae
Genre : Angst, Romance, Fluff
Rating : PG-13
Disclaimer : I’ll never own Hyukjae, no matter how much i wish for it *cries in the corner*
Warning : This might cause you daydreaming
Summary : Hyukjae is nowhere to be found when you need him the most. What was he doing? Will he make it up to you?
A/N : Woot Woot! Another SJ member/Reader from me. The idea just cross my mind all of a sudden. Actually i wrote this so long ago in late July, literally. I love romantic!Hyukjae, btw.
Hope you guys enjoy, thank you ^_^


“Baby...?”, you hear him ask through the phone when you sniff. “Please, i can’t stand it to hear you cry.” Hyukjae adds bitterly. And it makes you more feel bad for him. You don’t want him to worry about you after all. But you just can’t stop being melancholic.

“I promise i’ll be there immediately when i finish, okay?” He says it softly. You just nod, but then you realize he can’t see you. So, you respond him with muttering “okay” in a hoarse voice.

“You know i love you, right?” He says as if he demands a reply.

“Hmm.. Love you too.” You hear him say bye before he hang up the phone.

You wipe away your tears and place your cell phone on the nightstand. You lay again on your bed, thinking about his caring and worried voice towards you. Another teardrops are falling from your eyes, to your ear, until pillow swallow them.

It’s been one week since you met him. it’s not that you always meet him everyday, that you can’t take any longer to wait until you see him again. You’re used to the situation that he is not around. You even had been apart for about a month without him by your side, only a phone call everyday during his hectic schedules.

But these days are way different. Because the last time you met him is the same day with you saw your father for the last time in your life. You will never able to see your father again. It was the day when your father passed away because of a heart disease. He was there, hugging you and reassuring you while rubbing your back softly. There were also some Super Junior members, namely Donghae, Sungmin, Ryeowook, and Leeteuk. The rest were still busy with each schedules.

That day, he even forced himself to get there between his variety shows schedule. You were grateful that he was able to be there when you needed him the most. You lost your parents after all. Your mother already left you when you were still 14 years old. Now you only have him and your older brother. But he is a married man with a children. He has his own life.

And this whole week is the worst week ever for you. No company in this kind of situation. And it’s like life is taking you harder, because since the forth album released, he is busy with promoting, attending some variety shows, taping for Dream Team and Star King, photo-shooting, interviews, Kiss the Radio, CF, even going overseas, preparing and practicing for SM Town Live and Super Show 3, and so much more that you have no energy to mention all of it. But you never whine to him about this, knowing that this is the consequences being his girlfriend. Moreover, you always think that Hyukjae is one of the busiest among the other members.

You lie on your bed, crying silently. You miss Hyukjae so bad. You want to see him. You need him now. You never felt so lonely like this before. And now he’s doing his Sukira with Leeteuk like usual. You usually listen to the radio when he’s airing. But now it only makes you miss him more. and it’s just not the right time to hear his jokes, or his error pronounciation when he mention english song title.

Hearing his worried voice through the phone, makes you feel bad for him, for being such a burden among his exhausting schedule as an idol. You just don’t want to make him feel worry about you. But the other side of your mind says that it’s a normal thing for you to demand him to come right here right now. You curse his management sometimes for making him apart from you, for making him busy, for making him not able to see you, just for a moment of being together.

You take the monkey stuff and hold it tight, trying to ease the pain in your heart. But it seems that you fail since you smell the still-remain Hyukjae’s scent there. You feel really lonely and exhausted because of so much crying. Then soon you drift off.


You’re still curling up to a ball on your bed when Hyukjae finally enter your apartment and your room. He sneaks into your room silently while you’re still oblivious to your surroundings. He freezes standing beside the bed, staring bitterly at your current state, and your body that seems like getting slimmer. Then he sits on the edge of the bed while your back facing him. He reaches out his hand to lift some hairs from your face, and caress your cheek gently. He can sense that you were crying. And it makes him tearing up. A very cry baby boyfriend he is.

He kisses the side of your face softly, when it seems that you still sleep tight. Not that he wants to wake you up. Soon, he joins you lying on the bed, hugging you from behind, inhaling all your scents with all his heart. “I miss you so much...”, he whispers to the back of your neck.

“I’m so sorry...”, he continues in a hoarse voice. “I’m sorry i couldn’t be there when you need me the most. I’m sorry, baby, i’m sorry...”, he speaks between the sniffs. You open your eyes slowly when you think that you hear someone said sorry. You get all your senses when you hear some sniffs and a familiar voice says, “I’m indeed not a good boyfriend for you.. Please forgive me.” At this, you feel his hug becomes tighter, and he nuzzle more to you.

You can feel that you start tearing up again for seems like a hundredth time. You only can crying silently, don’t want to move your body yet, still want to feel him this close to you. You feel a pang in your heart as you hear him crying for you because of worried about you a lot. You don’t want him to be sad because of you after all. And it looks like he doesn’t realize that you’re awake now. You close your eyes, trying to stop the tears.

He suddenly sit up with the help of his elbow when he heels your body trembling. “Baby..? Are you awake?”, he asks you softly. You nod slowly and turn your body to face him, and immediately sit up too. As if he would disappear right then, you hug him tightly, resting your head on his upper chest and crying your heart out.

“Sssh, i’m here, i’m here. You don’t have to worry. Everything’s gonna be alright...” He reassures you as he caress both your hair and back. He doesn’t stop until you finally calm down, panting to catch up your breath after sobbing hard. And a warm silence remains...

“Sweetie?”, he asks you hesitantly in a low voice. “Hmm?” you respond him with stirring you body a little bit.

“Just checking.. I thought you fell asleep already.”

“No, you’re here now. I don’t want to waste our time being together again. What time is it now?” You ask him as you pull apart from his embrace, looking at the clock.

“It’s almost 2 AM.” He answers you instead. You turn to look at his flawless face, then smiling at him.

“How are you feeling now? You okay?” He asks you worryingly, turning back your smile. You shake your head and frown.

“I miss him a lot...” You answer him gloomily as you look away from his gaze. He seems understand what you mean.

“Of course. But he’s already in heaven peacefully. And if you miss him, we can visit his graveyard.” He says sincerely. “You know you still have me and your brother...”, he adds and cup your face with his palms, forcing you to face him. you smile bitterly to him in return.

“Entertain me, then.” You demand him. He chuckles, showing his gums. And it’s something you want to see the most.

“What am i supposed to do?! I think we should just sleep now.” He’s trying to switch the topic.

“Noooo.. one thing before we sleep~” You ask him childishly, closing your eyes as if expecting something. He seems understand as he sigh and chuckle again.

“With my pleasure.” Before you know it, he already lean down to push his pouty lips against yours. He grabs your arms as both of you deepen the kiss. Then he hug you by the shoulder, continuing deepen the kiss with parting your lips in the process. And soon it turns out to be the breath-taking make out session.

As the oxygen becomes an issue, you break apart from him first. But as if Hyukjae isn’t satisfied yet, he still manage to steal a kiss from you with open-mouth, sucking all the oxygen you just inhaled. It makes you gasp hard and hit his chest.

“Are you trying to suffocate me?” You ask him, blinking your eyes in disbelief.

“What? You were the one who asked it.” He challenges you, caressing his abused chest.

“But you said it’s your pleasure to do it.” You exclaim with so much pride in it.

“Oh, yeah... Right.” Hyukjae lost his words. Silence for a while, only turning back each other gazes. Then both of you burst out laughing together at the same time.

“We have to sleep now, Oppa.”

“Okay then.” At this, he positions himself on the bed. “Come here.” He adds, inviting you to come to his embrace. You smile to him before you rest your head on his arm and wrap your hand on his waist.

“I miss you so much, baby...” he says as he ruffles your hair lovingly and burying his face on your hair.

“I miss you too, Oppa. Now let’s sleep. Goodnight~”

“Goodnight to you too, my sweetie. Sleep tight~” He replies you, then kiss your forehead. Soon, you two fall asleep, cuddling with each other.

The next morning, you wake up at 7.30 o’clock. You realize that his right hand rest comfortably on your cheek. Since you don’t want to wake him up, you move his hand slowly. Then you get up carefully. ‘He must be really tired, being lack of sleep’, you think. You just let him sleep more while you decide to take a shower.

After take a shower, you proceed to the kitchen to make a breakfast for the two of you. You drink some water before you start to make a simple sandwich and omelette. Well, Hyukjae never mind what the breakfast is, as long as there’s a strawberry milk.

You’re almost done with your cook, and now still processing the omelette. You suddenly gasp hard when you feel something cold pressing your bare shoulder and a pair of hand sneaking into your waist. You turn your head a bit to see your boyfriend kiss your shoulder. “Oppa! You scared me, you know?”, you exclaim. He replies you with humming incoherently and lazily.

“Let go of me now, Oppa. I can’t cook properly.”

“I don’t care..” Now he even trail kisses from your neck to your cheek, sending shivers to your spine.

“Oppa, stop it! Not now!” You can’t blame him, but he makes you feel nervous.

You silently thank God that he stop and now rest his chin on your shoulder. “Anyway, do you miss me that much, huh? That you’re wearing my t-shirt?” He asks you smugly, pointing at your clothes. You chuckle.

“I just grabbed any t-shirt randomly in the closet, Geez...” But deeply, you admit that he’s right.

Silence. Comfortable silence.

“I’m glad to see your smile again.” He finally speak up and let go of you, leaning on the kitchen counter beside you and smiling. “So, you still take day-off from your work?” he asks you.

“It’s only two days remain. I have some news to be reported. So , i have to go to Pusan..” you sigh. “And what about you? Don’t you have a schedule today?” You ask him as you finish the omelette, and place it on the plate. The two of you walk to the dining table, get ready to eat.

“Gladly, no. It’s time for me to make it up to you, for our quality time together. So, we can have fun today, baby~” He says as he take a seat in front of you, raising his eyebrows furiously. You chuckle, “Cheesy pervert..”.

“You know you like it, honey...” You ignore him. But yes, i like it, you think.

Both of you eat your breakfast in silence. Only turning each other gazes occasionally, and chuckling to each other. Sometimes, he nudges your foot with his, and it becomes a feet-fighting under the table. Then burst out laughing together.

Hyukjae stubbornly insist that he will wash the dishes. So, you decide to make a cup of hot chocolate. He winks at you playfully while you add hot water to your Cadbury Hot Chocolate drink.

After finish washing the dishes, he grabs your wrist and take you to the living room. He throws himself on the couch. “Come here.” He pats his thighs, “I have something to tell you.” He adds sweetly, still holding your empty hand. You place your cup on the table next to the couch.

“What is it?” You ask curiously as you obey him, sitting on his lap and facing him with spread-legs in innocent manner.

“You know i have a schedule to go to United States for SM Town Live on September, right?” Now he’s holding both of your hands and squeezing them. You nod in understanding, smiling at him.

“I’ve decided that i’ll take you along with me.” He informs you, smiling sweetly at you. Your eyes widen in shock.

“OMYGOD! Really? Are you serious?”

“Yes, sweetie. They said that SM family will take a few days break for vacation. So, i asked them whether i could bring you there or not. They don’t mind.” He shows you his brilliant gummy smile this time. Your eyes are sparkling right now.

“And we can go double date with Donghae, because he will take his girlfriend as well.”

“Oh, I love you so much!” you hug him tight and giggle. But he pulls you apart first.

“I love you too. Now, give me a kiss.” He points his luscious lips, grinning.

“Why should i, anyway?” You challenge him stubbornly.

“Aish, just do it already!” With this, he grabs you by the neck, forcing you to crash your lips to his. But the more you feel it, the more you enjoy it. You can’t deny it. He tastes like strawberry.

Only God knows how long you’ve been kissing with him, because i didn’t count on it of course. Suddenly, in the middle of the session, he groans in annoyance as his phone on his pocket shouting and vibrating, wanting him to pay attention to it. You break the kiss and sigh. He take out his phone, then rolls his eyes as he look at the screen.

“What the heck, Donghae?!” Hyukjae exclaims exasperatedly.

“OMG, Hyuk! Where are you?! I can’t find you in your room!” You can hear Donghae’s voice, shouting on the other line. You try to hide a laughter, seeing Hyukjae’s annoyed face.

“I’m at my girl’s place, for God’s sake!”

“Oh... B-But why are you yelling at me? Am i-“ Hyukjae cuts him off. By his voice, Donghae is obviously pouting right now.

“Yes yes, Donghae! You are interrupting and ruining our moment, thanks.”

“I’m sorry~ I didn’t mean it. I just had a nightmare, so i came to your room. But you are nowhere to be found. I was panicked...” Donghae whines.

“Geez, Hae! Go to your own girl!” Hyukjae rolls his eyes again.

“I can’t.. you know that i have to tell my nightmare immediately..” Hyukjae sighs, and now you’re leaning your head against his shoulder, nuzzling on his neck while your hands encircling his waist posessively.

“Alright, fine. You can tell me when i come back.” What a childish best friend Donghae is. And finally you laugh imagining his attitude. Donghae notices it.

“Is she there with you? Hi, Miinah! I miss you...” Donghae says enthusiastically.

“I miss you too, Oppa!” You shout it lazily.

“Are you finished, Hae? Because-“ Hyukjae speak up eagerly, but Donghae cuts him off.

“Okay, okay... I hang up. Bye!”

“Tch!” Hyukjae glares at the phone screen, then throw it on the couch. He then lift you up to face him on the face.

“Where were we?”


A/N: it's *cough*Finished*cough*. I'm sorry i didn't continue it.. Hope you still like it, you can continue it by yourself though, kkkk~~ and if you want to read my other SJ/reader fic, you can click the pairing tags.
Please speak up your mind^^. I need your comments or demands
Thanks before ^_^
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pairing: sj/reader, genre: angst, type: one-shot, fanfiction, hyukjae, genre: romance, super junior

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