It's Christmas time!

Dec 24, 2008 16:14

I just come to tell you 'some' things! Well.... where i need to start. ummm.... (Sorry my sweet HUN friends, but i'm tooo lazy right now to write everything in hungarian too. *blushes*)

#1 My day: Well. I couldn't sleep any time. Just 'cause--> Firstly i wasn't tired. And in the last days (from friday til now) i slept a lot. No! I slept soooo long. I woke up every day... well.. somewhere after 12 a.m.!!! lol Secondly--> Hey! It's christmas and i'm 26 in my body but 5-6 in my soul. :P And thirdly--> It's my grand mother's birthday today! :( (Ya'know. Who died in aug.)
Somewhere between 7 and 8 a.m. i got up from my bed. I went downstairs and i wrapped the gifts. Then i decorated our xmas tree. This is the 1st year when i did it alone. My mom was there, but she just seen what i do.
Then we went to the cemetery to my grandmom. (as i said before this day is her birthday)
And now I'm here and write this post whilst i wait the night (6p.m. <-- this is our xmas dinner time every year)

#2 I wrote a new poem! It's just something what i'd like to tell.... (I just wish you merry christmas with this)
 Thank you

There was a moment,
  what brought us close;
and now I can say:
    I have fantastic friends!
Thank you, you're here,
   and listen to me:
   if I'm afraid, if it's enough,
   if I'm angry
   and want to go!
   If I feel:
      there is no hope.
   Or if i fly, fly,
   up until the sky and away.
You're always here,
   and catch my hands.
I can't tell,
how much i'm glad about You!

Let the New Year bring
   all beautiful and good things;
Let it fulfill your dreams
  a fairy-like little angel!

I just ask for the next year:
    be left for a very long time yet
       with me!

And the original version:


Volt egy pillanat,
    mi közel hozott minket;
s most elmodhatom:
   fantasztikus barátaim vannak!
Köszönöm, hogy itt vagytok,
s meghallgatok engem:
   Ha félek, ha elég,
   ha dühös vagyok
    s mennék!
    Ha úgy érzem:
     nincs remény.
    Vagy ha szállok, repülök,
    fel az égig s tova.
Ti mindig itt vagytok,
s fogjátok a kezem.
Ezért el se tudom mondani,
mennyire örülök Nektek!

Hozzon az Új Év
minden szépet s jót;
Váltsa valóra álmaitok
egy tündéri kis angyalka!

Én csak azt kérem jövőre:
még nagyon sokáig
   maradjatok Vélem!

#3 And sorry, but i couldn't stop myself! I did gift to myself! What do you think? What's that? Yeah!!! Something with J2! This hobby is scrapbooking! I did an 8-paged album with full of J2! *grin*

If you want to see all, go and see it in my lj album 


#4 And last but totally not least!!!! I'd like to show you what i got! I got 3 xmas cards!
darvynia I just say: Truth! I hope you know what i mean! bloodyrosered It's sweet and elegant, and funny! I love it! j2greendreams *laughin'* I can't stop smilin'! And my dirty and perv mind started to thinkin' and imagine the thoughts. lol Trust me! You really don't wanna know! Thank you your sweet cards and your lovely words! It's totally made me happier! And make now too, and will... when i read the cards again. Thank you once more!


*kisses and hugs you all*

art, life, scrapbooking, xmas, day, j2, jared, sn, jensen

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