Whoopee ti yi yo,
git along little dogies
Once upon a time
Not so long ago
In a very strange
and far off land
It was a nice day.
Hank was drivin'.
I was ridin' shotgun.
Ed was sleepin' in the back.
Hank and I couldn' figure out wha' was goin' on.
The Interstate had been backed up fer many miles.
Then we saw a sign sayin', "Cattle on Roadway".
And I thought, what the $*#%#?!?
Had there been an accident
involvin' a cattle truck?
Oh no!!!
And if so,
does it happen
so often that
they have a
Then we came across this:
No horrible accident...
They're just drivin' cattle.
Drivin' cattle down the Interstate....
Yep. Tha's right. Drivin' cattle down the Interstate.
As in, the big, busy, limited access highway.
I asked one a them cowboys 'bout it
as we drove s-l-o-w-l-y by.
As it turns out they have
an historic right of way
But I can't remember
if it was for once
or twice
a year.
What kind of
dumbass cowboy
don' wear no cowboy hat?
Tha's much better.
He's wearin' a cowboy hat.
Missed gettin' a close-up though.
So I don' know if he has blue eyes. Damn!
But if you click on the picture to enlarge it
you can see that this cowboy
{{{{{{ }}}}}}
has a pretty impressive
"Mooo... Nice pornstache..."
They weren't sayin' it
But I know they were thinkin' it.
Somebody should tell this cowboy
That the cattle
are over
They're goin' awful fast.
Sure hope they can slow down in time fer tha'
treacherous curve...
< < < < <
Oh look,
there's an exit comin' up...
Sign says, "Food - Phone Exit 108"
Good news!
Them cattle can stop
ta get somethin' to eat
and then maybe call a friend
to come pick them up
and get them off
the damn
But wait,
There's more...
It was the same day
Just an hour or so later.
This time on a two lane road.
After we had gotten off the Interstate
and were headin' up inta the mountains.
Musta been the day
to drive cattle on the roadways.
Sure wish they'd mooove over...
The end.