(no subject)

Oct 13, 2015 07:50

Ed and Hank

Star gazin'...

(This happened at the end of July and beginning of August.)

Disclaimer: Hank told their story to Annie Proulx. Jack and Ennis are all hers. Ed and Hank belong only to each other. Rating: G $$: Nope.

Links to all previous posts are here:


"Hey, Hank..."

"Dammit... Now they're announcin' tha' that American Foundation fer Equal Rights 'n them Freedom ta Marry folks are gonna be closin' down the first part a August... If tha' don't beat all... How the hell don't they get tha' this here figh' fer equal rights ain't near over...  the second half a the war is jus' startin' up... 'N yeah... We got the righ' ta marry... But there's still plenty a places not followin' the law with it... 'n there's still the fight not ta be discriminated 'gainst that's gonna take a helluva long time...  I jus' don't get how the hell they can close their..."


"...damn doors righ' now... Don't they know tha' tha' National Organziation fer Marriage... Hell... Hate group's wha' they really are... tha' they're gearin' up fer a big ol' fight 'gainst us...  They got theirselves a five-step plan fer puttin' us back down... Includin' tryin' ta get Congress ta amend the Constitution ta repeal tha' Supreme Court decision makin' it legal-like fer us ta get hitched... 'N yeah... It ain' likely ta happen... But if'n they get a nut-job president elected... 'n enough nut-jobs 'n Congress..  then they could..."


"...cause a whole heap a trouble fer us...  Prob'bly the first thing they're gonna try is gettin' tha' "First Amendment Defense Act" passed... As if they ain't got all the rights they need 'n more...  I tell ya, Ed..."



"Take yer hands off a tha' there keyboard... 'N back away from tha' there computer... real slow-like..."

"Wha' the hell are you talkin' about...?"

"'S a slow-movin' war... 'N it'll still be here when we get back... 'N you need yerself a big ol' break from it..."

"Get back from where 'xactly...?  Out workin' with you 'n Bill I s'pose..."

"Nope.  We're goin' to the Oregon coast.  'S all set.  Bill 'n Betty are takin' care of things here... Dogs are stayin' home this time... 'S jus' gonna be you 'n me..."

"Yer kiddin'...?"

"Yeah.  I'm kiddin'."

"Ya are...?"

"No.  I'm not kiddin'.  Get yer ass up off a tha' chair 'n c'mon... I got you packed too... Alls ya gotta do is get yerself ta the truck..."

"But you don't like goin' nowheres this time a year... All the crowds 'n whatnot..."

"You gonna keep tryin' ta talk me out of it...?  Or are ya gonna get tha' fine ass a yers inta the truck...?"

"Fine ass inta the truck.  Definitely fine ass inta the truck."

"C'mon, dumbass..."

A little later... On the road...

So's...  Wha' part a the coast are we goin' to, Ed...?"

"Yer choice.  I ain't made no campin' reservations nowhere.."

"Ya like ta live dangerous-like, huh...?"

"Maybe I shoulda tried ta reserve somethin'...  But I jus' weren't sure if'n ya'd wanna go ta where them fav'rite tide pools of ours are or not... See if'n them sea stars are makin' a come-back...  If'n ya don't wanna chance it... Well... then we can jus' go down ta where we jus' like ta walk on them beaches... Or we can do both... But them tides are low startin' the day after tomorrow...  Looked it up on the computer..."

"I ain't sure... It'd be great ta see them tide pools if'n them sea stars are comin' back... But if'n they ain't... it'd be righ' depressin'...  But if'n they are... it'd be great fer you ta see all them colors a ev'rythin' with them magic sunglasses a yers..."

"So's... Ya see why I'm leavin' the choice up ta you..."

"Well... Hell... Let's go take a look at them tide pools...  See what's wha'..."

"Ya like ta live dangerous-like, huh...?"

"Nope.  I woulda made campin' reservations this time a year."


"Damn... I shoulda took the time ta grab some a my music..."

"Looks like yer stuck with mine."

"Gotta be somethin' here good fer road-trippin'..."

"'S all good."

"'S gonna be one helluva loooong drive... Okay... Lessee wha' we got here... He's cheatin' on her... She's cheatin' on him... He don't wanna be tied down... She wants ta tie him down... He left her... She left him... He's real sad... She's real sad... He's drinkin' too much... He's..."


"...spendin' the rest of his life pinin' fer her even though she left him long, long ago... Used ta really hate them songs... Guess on accounta they hit a l'il too close ta home... Figure I dodged tha' particular bullet real close-like with you..."

"Ya know damn well I couldna stayed away from ya..."

"I do now.  But back then you weren't 'xactly good at 'xpressin' them feelin's a yers... Ta put it mild-like... 'N whaddya know... here's a song fer that too..."

"Think ya mus' be thinkin' a someone else."

"Dumbass.  Hey... Here we go... This one'll do jus' fine..."


"It sure will."

"Now brace yerself, Ed... Here goes nothin'... 'You need a man... ta get lost in... With a heart big enough to roam... With no more fences fer you ta look through... with yer heart caught in a stranglehold... I've got a love fer wide open spaces'...  Take it, Ed...!"

"...'I've got a big love... wild 'n free... room ta grow as big as yer dreams... Deep as a river in a ragin' flood... As endless as the stars abooove... I got a big looove'..."

"Damn, Ed...  Ya never took it before when I said 'take it'..."

"Jus' felt like takin' it ta day... So's I took it."

"You sure as hell did... Ya took the hell outta it."

"I sure as hell did.  'N stay tuned... I think I jus' migh' take it again..."

"I am most definite-like gonna be stayin' tuned..."

"Migh' take a while though... Don't feel like takin' it again jus' yet..."

"Too bad."

"I turn left here, righ'...?"


"Righ' turn or right I go left...?"

"Righ' ya turn left."

"Wait a minute... Yep... Brace yerself... I think I migh' be gonna take it again...  'I wanna love ya like tha' ferever... I got a big love wild 'n free... room ta grow as big as yer dreams... Deep as a river in a ragin' flood... As endless as the stars above... I got a big love'..."

"So's... when do I get ta see tha' big love a yers up close 'n personal-like...?"

"Later ta day... If'n ya play yer cards righ'..."

"No problem.  I got dealt a real lucky hand..."

"Yeah.  Me too, Hank."

"...'I got a big love wild 'n free... room ta grow as big as yer dreams... Deep as a river in a ragin' flood... As endless as the stars abooove... I got a big looove'..."

"Bet mine is bigger 'n yers."

"'Well, slap my ass 'n call me Shirley... Did you... Mr. Edward Smith-Jones-fer-real-'n-ferever-like... jus' make a joke about yer junk...?"

"Ain't no joke, Shirley."

"I love yer dumb ass, Ed."

"Love yers too, Hank."

Later the next afternoon...

"Sure didn't expect it to be this busy, Hank..."

"Me neither, Ed..."

"Sorry we couldn't get in ta the campground we wanted..."

"Hell... we were lucky ta get in anywheres.

"Guess I shoulda made us some reservations..."

"I were jus' kiddin' you 'bout tha'... Never really 'xpected it ta be full... 'specially arrivin' mid-week 'n all... So's don't go worryin' 'bout it... Besides... the campground don't matter much here... None of 'em are near like primitive campin'... 'N we're hardly in it anyways..."

"True 'nough."

"So's... Ya wanna go ta the beach...?"

"That's wha' we're here fer."

"Well let's go find us a beach then.  I ain't real sure... but there should be one 'round here somewheres..."


"'N least-wise ya don't need no reservations fer beach-goin'..."

"Not yet anyways."

A little later...

"Wait up, Ed..."

"I'm waitin'."

"Damn. Thanks, Ed... This is 'xactly what I needed 'n I didn' even know it."

"'S real purty."

"'N ya know wha' tha' fella I were talkin' to said...?"

"Cain't say as I do.  But I'd bet anythin' yer gonna tell me."

"Turns out we're real lucky ta get a site... 'N we're real lucky we came up ta this here part a the coast first 'n saved them south beaches fer later... on accounta this week is when they're havin' a big ol' country music festival down near Port Orford... Tha' guy jus' came from down there... said 's totally crazy-like... 'n it's caused one helluva domino affect on campin' up the whole coast... 'N on top a tha' they're havin' a big ol' heat wave in all them cities inland... Portland 'n Eugene 'n Corvallis 'n whatnot... Settin' records even... with temps well up over a hund'erd degrees... so's anyone who can is headin' ta the coast ta get outta the heat... 'N then there's a couple a wildfires burnin' bad 'n central Oregon 'n northern California... So a lot a them folks are comin' here ta get outta the smoke... Plus there's a lotta folks jus' tryin' ta get away from tha' California drought fer a l'il while..."

"Damn.  Sounds like we were more'n lucky ta find a site alrigh'."

"'S like the perfect storm a circumstances... A regular tidal wave of tourists headin' here..."

"So's... I got a question..."


"Then why the hell is this here beach prit' near empty...?"

"Damned if I know.  But I sure ain't gonna look no gift sea horse in the mouth."

"Good point."

The next morning...

"You ready, Hank...?"

"As ready as I'll ever be.  Don't got my hopes high up though... Them folks in the next site... they jus' told me tha' last year they went ta them tide pools up by Yaquina Head Lighthouse... north a Newport... 'N they said they only had one sea star there... 'N they had someone literal-like standin' over it 'n guardin' it..."

"Jeez.  Maybe we should give it 'nother year or two 'fore we go then... Jus' go back ta sleep now 'n roam them beaches later on today... after tha' low tide has come 'n gone this mornin'..."

"Nah... We're here... 'n we're up 'n ready ta go... So's let's jus' go take a look... Maybe this year'll be better than last..."

"Guess we'll find out soon 'nough."

A little later...

"Here goes nothin'..."

"'N here's hopin' we'll see somethin'..."

"Here's a real fine anemone, Ed... Do it look diff'rent with them magic sunglasses a yers...?"

"Yep. Sure as hell does.  Tha' green a them tentacles looks real bright... 'n kinda two-tone... three-tone even... 'N is tha' stuff on tha' rock next ta it a darker... uh... pink...?"

"Sure is."

"'N that anemone...kinda looks like it's glowin' even..."

"Sure does.  'N least-wise they seem ta be thrivin'..."

"Sure do."

"'N them sea urchins are still here... Can ya see the purple of 'em, Ed...?"

"Sure can.  They look real diff'rent than they did before... Damn... They're real purty too..."

"Heard they been runnin' amok in some places withou' no sea star predators ta keep 'em in check..."

"Don't seem ta be runnin' amok here... So's maybe we'll see some stars yet..."

"Jus' more anemones over here... But they're real purty..."

"Still say we'll see some sea stars...  Just ain't looked in the righ' place yet..."

"Here's one...! Half-hidin'... How do it look ta ya, Ed...?"

"Orange...?  Bright orange 'n white...  With green anemones... ligh' green, but brigh' green... 'N some of 'em a bluer green...?"

"Them glasses fer yer color-blindness are the best thing we ever bought."

"'N here's 'nother orange one...  'N hey... Look... there's a real l'il one righ' next to it... Righ' next ta his most curled up arm..."

"Damn...!  You never woulda seen tha' l'il one before ya got them glasses... Hell... I can barely see it now..."

"Lookit this here l'il purple one, Hank... Damn... Cain't hardly believe how l'il he is...  Hand me yer hikin' stick... I'll put it next ta it fer scale, 'n you take a picture..."

"Never seen one tha' l'il before... Jeez.... That is one helluva tiny-ass sea star..."

"Where 'xactly is a sea star's ass...?"

"Damned if I know."

"Here's 'nother orange one with a bigger l'il one next to it..."

"'S gotta be a real good sign tha' there's l'il stars around..."

"It sure as hell does."

"Jeez... There's l'il ones on either side a them two biger ones..."

"'N some more over here too..."

"Damn, Ed... I cain't even tell ya how happy I am ta see them sea stars makin' a comeback... 'S so great... Jus' so damn great...  Hell... I cain't hardly stand how great it is..."

"If'n ya cain't stand it then yer not gonna wanna see this here pile of 'em..."

"Damn.  Look at 'em all...  Jus' look at 'em..."

"I'm lookin' as fast as I can..."

"'S so good ta see 'em back..."

"Sure as hell is.  Hey... Lookit there, Hank..."


"Move tha' there sea grass with yer hikin' stick... real gentle-like..."


"Yeah... See tha' l'il orange thing...?"

"Yep.  Jus' glad you can too.  Hey... It jus' grabbed onta my hikin' stick..."

"Well then pull it out 'n let's take a look at it... real careful-like..."

"I know, I know...  Here... Hold the stick 'n I'll take a picture of him..."

"Whaddya think he is...?"

"Prob'bly a nudibranch... Ya know... one a them sea slugs..."

"Thought them were a lot smaller than' tha'... 'N had tha' frilly stuff on 'em..."

"I think a lot of 'em are smaller... 'N most have tha' frilly stuff... but not all..."

"Well... Better put the l'il guy back in his pool..."

"Hey, look... He do got tha' frilly stuff on him... It were just all folded up..."

"Set tha' stick down 'n let's try 'n get a close-up of him...  Don't move him again... I'll hold yer belt so's ya don't fall in..."

"Don't you let go."

"Wouldn' dream of it.  Least-wise not when ya might hurt him if ya fell on him."

"Thanks a lot."

"Yer welcome."

"Damn... He is a handsome fella..."

"Sure is."

"He sure likes this here stick too.  Won't let go."

"Let's jus' give him a minute..."

"There... there he goes... Back home ta tell his scary story 'bout his narrow escape from a couple of incredibly handsome giants..."

"Speakin' a giants... Wouldya lookit this here monster sea star..."

"Gotta get a picture a him too... Here... Put my hikin' stick by him fer scale..."

"How's tha'...?"

"Good.  Jeez... Ta grow that big he musta lived through the sea star die-off 'n had hisself a big ol' non-stop feast fer them years...  Wha' with hardly no competition 'n all..."

"Hey, Hank... What're them l'il orange 'n red 'n rust things in this here pool...?"

"Think them are some kinda tube worm... Don't touch 'em though... 'cause If'n ya do tha' purty part heads back inta hidin'..."

"Ain't about ta touch 'em. Wouldn' wanna hurt 'em."

"'S So damn amazin' thatcha can see 'em, Ed... Ya never used ta be able ta pick 'em out so easy-like when I'd try ta point 'em out to ya..."

"'Tube worms'... 'sea slugs'... some a their names ain't near as purty as they are."

"Sure ain't.  Think I can get a close-up of this other one over here a l'il easier like......"

"'S amazin' ta be able ta see all them colors... Never knew how bright the world were..."

"Great idea comin' here, Ed.  Cain't thank ya enough fer thinkin' of it...  So's... you name it... you got it..."

"Hmmm.... Guess I better start makin' me a big ol' list..."

"Uh... Within reason of course... Nothin' involvin' workin'... 'N nothin' even resemblin' workin'... 'N nothin' else I don' wanna do neither.  But other than tha'... You name it... you got it...."


Later that day...

"Lookit... Tha' there beach is empty, Ed... Pull over..."

"Prob'bly 'cause it's way the hell down there."

"Tha' mean you don't wanna go...?"

"Don't mean nothin' a the sort.  Looks real nice down there."

"Well, then let's get our fine asses down there."

A few minutes later...

"So's... which way ya wanna go, Hank...?"

"Let's head thisaway...  'Cause we'll run outta beach too quick thataway..."

"Thisaway it is..."

A little while later...

"Hey, look, Ed... We ain't alone after all..."

"They mus' be from tha' horse ridin' place over on the highway..."

"Mus' be."

"Feel bad fer them horses... Havin' ta carry folks they don't know day in 'n day out... Most who prob'bly don't know the first thing about horses..."

"Bet some of 'em like it on accounta it gives 'em a job ta do... Ya know... all them Ed-like horses..."

"More like them ones who like ta listen ta other folks gab all day are the ones who like it... Ya know... all them Hank-like horses."

"Well... They're turnin' in now... So's it looks like we ain't gonna get a chance ta take a poll..."

"Hope they treat 'em well."

"Bet they do.  Otherwise they'd be ornery 'n not fit fer folks who ain't used ta horses ta ride 'em..."

"Yeah.  Maybe."

"Still think we oughta bring the horses here someday... Camp in one a them horse camps... Be real nice ta ride 'em on the beach... Bet they'd like the firm sand under foot... 'N breathin' in the cool salt air...  'N feelin' the cool rain on 'em... They don't hardly get ta feel that in Utah... Hell... neither do we..."

"No way, Hank... 'S too far a ride fer 'em in that horse trailer."

"What if'n we took three nights ta get here instead a one...?  Tha' way it'd be easier-like on 'em."

"Still too far.  Besides... With us gettin' a trailer... 'N a truck camper bein' too big 'n top-heavy fer them Utah backroads if'n we get it big enough to take them three dogs with us...we couldn' tow the horse trailer and a regular trailer too... So's... it's yer choice again... take the horses 'n take a lot longer ta get places with a small truck camper... or get a bigger trailer like ya want..."

"Hey... Ya know wha'...?"

"I'm afraid ta ask."

"If'n we lived near here it wouldn't be too far at all... Maybe we could get us some land fer a l'il ranch... Inland a l'il ways so's it ain't so's expensive... Just enough fer us 'n them horses 'n them dogs 'n tha' cat...  'N then... 'cause it wouldn' be so's far... I could tow the horse trailer ta the coast 'n you could tow the travel trailer... Or vice versa if'n ya'd prefer... "

"No way, Hank."

"Why the hell not...?  I'm gettin' tired of that arid-like climate... Always so damn hot 'n dry.."

"Ya do realize tha' not so's far inland from here it's up over a hund'erd degrees righ' now...?"

"That ain't the usual-like weather 'round them parts."

"Migh' be now."

"Migh' not be."

"'N besides... you migh' jus' miss tha' dry weather a helluva lot more than ya think ya will once them winter rains hit here 'bouts... 'S more than winter rains even... more like late fall, winter, spring 'n early summer rains... 'N when it ain't rainin' it's mistin'... 'N gray... them skies are gray most a the time durin' them parts a the years..."

"Well... How 'bout this... How 'bout once we manage ta actual-like buy a damn travel-trailer..."

"We're workin' on it..."

"At snail's speed... But... when we do finally manage ta get one... How 'bout we take it 'n park it in a campground 'round here in winter 'n see if'n we can stand the rain... See what it's like fer a month... Or two or three even..."

"I can tell ya righ' now... All tha' rain 'n mist 'n gray skies 'n damp'll drive me nuts.  'S a real fine place ta visit... But I don't wanna live here..."

"Well... if'n it do drive ya nuts... I promise ta wrap ya up nice 'n snug 'n a straitjacket 'n drive ya back home... But you gotta promise ta give it a fair chance... Least-wise six weeks maybe..."

"I ain't promisin' nothin'... 'N I ain't agreed ta do it neither.  'N I ain't gonna agree ta do it.  'N I ain't gonna move."

"Yeah, yeah...  You jus' gotta bitch 'n moan about it fer a few weeks first while I wear down yer resolve not ta do it.  'N then we'll do it.  'N then you'll love it."

"Not this time, Hank.  I ain't movin'.  So's there's no use seein' if'n I can stand it or not.  But... once we do get tha' trailer... I'd be willin' ta spend a month or or more here durin' the summer... when it's real hot back home... Like we talked about before... Hell... I'd even be willin' ta come fer a visit durin' winter... a short visit... But there ain't no way in hell we're uprootin' us 'n movin' here..."

"Yeah, but if..."

"No if, ands or buts, Hank... I.  Ain't. Movin'.   This is nice here... real nice... 'N I like comin' here a whole lot... But I love Utah too... I love our house... Our ranch... Bill 'n Betty... our other friends... 'N all our fav'rite primitive campsites... 'N canyons... 'n mountains... 'n our mountain... 'n all them wide open spaces..."

"Okay, okay... No movin'.  No takin' the horses here... Jus' spendin' more time here once we get tha' there trailer."


"Guess I jus' been breathin' in too much a tha' sea air... 'n got carried away with how purty it is here... 'nthe thought a ridin' them horses on the beach... But I guess I'd miss all that about Utah too..."

"You sure as hell would."

"Gotta ask ya though... You real sure 'bout tha' 'no butts' policy a yers...?"

"Guess I can make an exception fer one particular dumbass butt."

"Good ta hear it."


"Damn... Wouldya lookit tha' sun...?  When the hell did the sky start lookin' that amazin'...?"

"When you were busy schemin' ta move us here lock, stock 'n barrel."

"How 'bout we find us a drift log ta sit on 'n enjoy the show...?"

"Now that's an idea I can go along with."

"Sure is purty."

"Sure is."



"So's, Ed...?"


"How d'ya feel about boats...?"

"Shut up 'n watch the sun set, Hank."

"I can think of a way you could make me shut up."

"I can think of two ways."

"Yer choice."

"Well... seein' as this is still a public beach... even though it's empty... I guess we'd better stick ta the first."

"Don't wanna live dangerous-like, huh...?"

"C'mere, dumbass..."

Later, back at camp...

"Damn... Sure wish I woulda took the time ta pack some a my cds..."

"Well... Ya know... I mighta asked Betty ta pack some a hers fer ya..."

"Ya did...?"

"Yep. Thought ya'd notice if'n I dug inta yers when I were tryin' ta pack fer ya on the sly..."

"So's why the hell didn' ya tell me that on the day 'n a half drive over here...?"

"Didn't wanna."

"Dumbass.  Hand 'em over, wouldya...?"

"Here... Hope they're to yer likin'... I specified yer fav'rite... Over-the-top, dumbass romantic-like stuff..."

"Yer kiddin'...?"

"I ain't kiddin'."

"Jeez... Thanks, Ed..."

"No doubt I'll be regrettin' it real soon."

"No doubt.  Here... This one oughta do real good... Perfect even..."


"Not too loud, Hank... We're in a campground ya know..."

"We are...?  How the hell did that happen...?"


"Sure cramps my style though... But don't you worrry... I'll manage somehow..."

"That's what I'm worried about."

"...'Sometimes we walk hand in hand by the sea... 'n we breeeathe in the cool salty aaair... you turn to me with a kiss in yer eeeyes... 'N my heart feels a thrill beyond compaaaare... Then yer lips cling ta miiiine... It's wonderful, wonderful... Oh, so wonderful, my looove'..."

"Well... I asked fer it..."

"'N don't think I don't 'preciate it... 'Sometimes we stand on the top of a hill...  'N we gaze at the earth 'n the sky... I turn to you and yooou melt in my arms... There we are, darlin', only you 'n IIIII... What a moment ta shaaare... It's wonderful, wonderful... Oh, so wonderful, my love...The world is full of wondrous things, it's true... But they wouldn't have much meaning without yooooou'..."

"C'mere, dumbass..."

"You askin' fer it...?"

"I sure am."

"Well then yer gonna get it... 'n then some..."

"'N don't think I won't 'preciate it."

"C'mere, Ed."

"Hold on a sec... I almost fergot... Lemme get my list..."

"Now that sounds like the kinda list I can get behind.  Or wherever the hell else ya want me..."

"I wantcha righ' here... C'mere, Hank..."

"You got it, Ed..."



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