(no subject)

Mar 27, 2014 08:39

Ed and Hank

With a cluck, cluck here 'n a cluck, cluck there...

Disclaimer: Hank told their story to Annie Proulx. Jack and Ennis are all hers. Ed and Hank belong only to each other. Rating: G $$: Nope.

Links to all previous posts are here:

"Gotta tell ya, Hank... I'm still a l'il worried 'bout goin' ta Moab... Cain't believe it won't be over-run with folks this time a year too..."

"Let's jus' give it a try, Ed... I'd like havin' a town close 'nough ta eat dinner out fer a change... 'N if'n it's really over-run... we'll stop at the grocery store 'n buy us some stuff fer dinners 'n head down ta tha' Needles District a Canyonlands... Tha' won't be over-run this time a year fer sure."

"Ya sure yer okay campin'... with yer ribs still hurtin' some 'n all...?  Since we're stayin' so close to a town we could jus' ferget about campin' 'n get us a motel room..."


"Well...? Ya feel like stayin' in a motel instead this time...?  Or not...?"

"Ya really said tha'...?!? Here I thought I were just hallucinatin' from them pain pills... Bet I could count on one hand all the times we stayed in a motel... 'N tha' would be includin' the time when we fin'lly got ourselves back together again way back when..."


"'N nope. I'd rather camp. That is so's long as we jus' sleep in the back a the truck 'n not in the tent... 'S too cold fer tha'..."

"Truck campin' it is."

About an hour later...


"I ain't never seen nothin' like it."

"Me neither."

"Where the hell is ev'rybody...?"

"I don't know. 'N I don't care. So's long as it stays this way."

"Guess comin' here weren't such a bad idea after all, huh, Ed...?"

"We'll see."

A few minutes later...

"So's... where d'ya wanna camp, Ed....?"

"I ain't sure... We ain't been here in so long..."

"Well... we got our pick a anywheres... Cain't believe there ain't no one else up here... So's... d'ya wanna stay back in these here rocks...? Looks like it'd be purty private-like least-wise... even if'n other folks do show up..."

"Yeah... But... think I'd rather be out in the open... where the sun'd hit us first thing in the mornin'... 'n leave us last thing at nigh'..."

"Good point."

"How 'bout here...?"

"Looks good ta me..."

"We can put our chairs up by tha' there tree..."


"So's... D'ya wanna go somewheres today yet, Hank...?"

"Nah... This here is somewheres 'nough fer me... How 'bout we jus' sit 'n soak up wha' warmth tha' sun is givin' out 'fore it sets... 'n enjoy the view..."

"Now that sounds like a real good idea."

"All my ideas are real good ideas."



"Damn... Wouldya lookit tha' sunset..."

"Sure is somethin' alrigh'."

"This were a real good idea, Ed... Takin' off ta go campin'..."

"Yep. All my ideas are real good ideas."


"But... You sure yer feelin' up to it, Hank...?"

"Yep. My ribs are jus' buggin' me a l'il now... 'N I'm lookin' forward ta seein' some stuff we ain't seen in a helluva long time... Like tha' Delicate Arch..."

"You sure yer gonna wanna hike...? We could jus' drive 'round 'n see some sights tha' way..."

"Nah... Movin' feels good... once I get a goin' anyways..."

"Okay... but we shouldn' overdo it... 'N if'n it starts not feelin' good... you let me know..."

"I will.  Brrrrr...  Sure gets cold just as soon as tha' sun's off ya..."

"Yeah.  Sure does.  You sure you don't want a motel room...?"

"Yep. So's... how 'bout we head ta town 'n find us a nice warm restaurant 'n have us a few beers 'n a nice hot dinner...?  We could try tha' brew pub... Tha' sure as hell weren't here last time we were..."

"Ya know damn well ya ain't s'posed ta drink while yer still takin' them pain pills."

"So's... how 'bout we head ta town 'n find us a nice warm restaurant 'n you have yerself a few beers 'n we have ourselves a nice hot dinner...?"

"Think you got yerself another real good idea there."

"Ain't had a bad idea yet."

"C'mon, dumbass... I'm hungry..."

The next morning...

"Damn... Wish tha' sun would hurry itself up... It's freezin' out here..."

"Wouldya lookit this frost, Hank... 'S real purty..."

"Cain't... M'eyes are frozen... 'N I'm s'prised tha' camera ain't frozen too..."

"Well... maybe we should reconsider tha' motel room..."

"Nope.  Ahhhhh... Thanks be... There she is..."

"Tha' should warm us up in no time..."

"'Course... ya know what else would warm us up, Ed...?"

"I know damn well yer ribs still ain't up ta that just yet..."

"I'm talkin' 'bout pancakes... Nice, hot, fluffy, diner pancakes..."

"Ain't never seen nothin' like it..."


"You havin' so many good ideas in so's short a time."

"C'mon, dumbass... Let's go get us some pancakes..."


"So's... You sure you don't want a motel room, Hank...?"

"Yep. Pancakes taste a lot better comin' in cold from campin' than they do comin' in warm from motelin' it... 'N here they come..."

"I'll be righ' back with more coffee for you fellas. Do you need anything else?"

"We're good. Thanks."

"Hey... put the camera away, Hank..."

"Dammit, Ed... I put it away last night fer ya... on accounta tha' restaurant were too dark 'n I woulda needed the flash... But it's broad daylight 'n I don't need a flash 'n no one's payin' us no mind at all..."

"Yeah. Well. Hell."

"C'mon, Ed... You gotta snap outta this... This here is Moab... They get folks from all over the world here... No one here's gonna give us a second look... Well... that ain't true... We always get second looks from tourists... but just fer bein' cowboys... on accounta they don't see real ones too often..."

"Fine. Take the damn picture."

"Don't mind if'n I do.  So's... Ya wanna go ta Arches National Park today, Ed...?"

"Nope. 'S prob'bly over-run with them tourists you were talkin' about."

"Arches it is then."

"You may be breakin' yer winnin' streak of good ideas with that one."

"We'll just see 'bout tha'..."

A little while later...

"So's... How long has it been since we been here...?"

"Cain't even remember the last time..."

"Hell... it's been so damn long that I jus' plain fergot how inspirin' this place could be..."


"Wha'... You don't find it inspirin'...? Maybe it's jus' been a l'il too long 'n you fergot... We'll hafta take care a tha' real soon..."

"Didn' ferget nothin'... 'N we ain't doin' nothin' 'til yer feelin' better."

"I'm feelin' better."

"We'll see."

"You sure as hell will."

A little later...

"Sure warms up a helluva lot when tha' sun gets a goin'."

"Yeah. 'S real nice out."

"I don't remember them havin' all them stairs like that up ta them arches..."

"Me neither."

"Sheer number a folks walkin' to 'em musta been widenin' 'n deepenin' the trails maybe... 'n messin' with the run-off... 'n they figured stairs might help some... Cain't even imagine how busy this place is ev'ry other time a year these days..."

"I'd say purty damn busy."

"You sure you can make them stairs, Hank...?"

"Jeez, Ed... I think I can manage ta hobble up 'em somehow... Ain't 'xactly like it's stairs up ta the Empire State Buildin' or nothin'..."

"It ain't the 'up' I'm worried 'bout... It's the 'down'... migh' be real jarrin' on them ribs a yers..."

"I'll be fine, Ed... 'N if'n I ain't you can leave me behind 'n save yerself."


A little while after tha'...

I fergot how inspirin' this here 'Fiery Furnace' were too..."

"Think I'm gettin' jealous a the rocks."

"They don't got nothin' on you, Ed.  Least-wise I don't think they do... 'S been a while now..."


"Too bad... now ya need ta go with a group 'n a ranger... or get a permit ta hike 'round in there by yerselves..."

"'S prob'bly too much scramblin' 'round in there fer ya anyways..."

"No. It ain't. So's maybe we can get one a them permits tomorrow..."

"Maybe. We'll see how yer ribs are after today."

"How 'bout we head over ta Delicate Arch, Ed...?"

"That's prob'bly where ev'rybody is..."

"How 'bout we jus' go check it out..."

"Don't s'pose I really got a choice..."


"Then it sounds good ta me."

"Thought it migh'."

A little while later...

"Don't look like too many folks are headin' up there..."

"I can see them folks down low-like... but where's the arch...? I cain't make it out..."

"It's facin' the wrong way from here... so's jus' look fer it's shadow, Ed... up there 'n to the left..."

"Got it. So's... You sure you can make tha' climb with yer ribs hurtin', Hank...? Don't think I didn't see ya grimacin' some on the way down jus' them few stairs by them other arches..."

"I'm fine, Ed.  I climbed this here hill we're standin' on... didn't I...?"

"Ya know it's a whole lot steeper than it looks from here... 'N a lot farther than it were to them other arches... them were jus' right off the parkin' lot..."

"Hell... 'S only 'bout a mile 'n a half up there... 'N if'n I cain't make it you can carry me back down."

"Ya think so, huh...?"


"Well... how 'bout we head up that unofficial back way... like we used ta... 'S a l'il longer... but it's just one real short cllmb at the beginnin' in then it's real gradual-like the rest a the way... prob'bly be a lot easier fer ya..."

"Fine.. If'n it'll shut ya up... we'll go up the back way."

"Well... That's a first."


"You wantin' me not ta talk."


A little while later...

"Gotta admit, Ed... 'S real purty this way too..."

"Sure is. 'N a lot easier on ya."

"And not another soul in sight... That oughta make you real happy..."

"Well... Not another soul in sight yet anyways..."

A little while later...

"Damn... There ain't hardly no one here... Cain't hardly believe it..."

"Me neither.  Them folks we saw musta come 'n gone already..."

"So's I guess I'm still battin' a thousand... Huh, Ed...?"

"We ain't outta Arches yet."


"Sure is purty."

"Sure is.  Think it's one a the few free-standin' arches in the whole world... C'mon, Ed... Let's go over by it..."

"Careful, Hank... That's a purty steep incline there... Maybe you should hold onta my arm..."

"So's... You gonna keep mother-hennin' me the whole rest a the trip...?"

"I ain't mother-hennin' ya... I'm jus' lookin' out fer ya."

"Well, cut it the hell out, wouldya...?  Now... give me that arm a yers, Ed..."

"Wha'...? Thought ya jus' said ya didn' want me lookin' out fer ya..."

"Yeah... Well... there ain't no way I'm passin' up an opportunity like that... whether I need it or not... which I sure as hell don't."


A few minutes later...

"Nice a tha' guy from South Korea ta take a picture of us under it."


"'N now it's the second picture I got with you with yer arm 'round me... First one bein' on our weddin' day a course... Glad ta see yer fin'lly startin' ta relax some again..."

"Jus' wanted ta make sure ya didn' pitch over the edge."

"I ain't gonna pitch over the edge."

"Never know with you."

"Cain't believe we met folks from Indonesia too... Damn... that's one helluva long ways away too..."


"That's what I like 'bout the national parks...  talkin' ta other folks from all over the world... If'n it ain't too crowded anyways... If'n it's crowded folks ain't as willin' ta talk."

"Yeah... then ya might as well be walkin' down a crowded city sidewalk..."

"'N I know how much ya like that."

"Which is not even one l'il bit.  'N that's how they are usual-like these days."

"True 'nough."

"Damn... Tha' 'delicate' part sure is..."

"Sure has survived a helluva long time though..."

"Guess we got that in common..."

"We sure do, Ed."

A little while later...

"Dammit, Hank...! Get yer ass back up here...!!"

"Wha'...? I'm jus' takin' a picture from this side of it... with the sun on it..."

"It's steep as hell where ya are... 'N ya know damn well one misstep there 'n you'll go over tha' drop-off..."

"I'm okay, Ed."

"Well... I'm not... Sos' get the hell back up here righ' now!"

"Okay... okay... Jeez..."

"Cain't stand seein' other people do tha' neither... Goin' down there 'n then headin' back ta the trail from behind the arch... Diff'rence is... most a them prob'bly don't know how big tha' there cliff is righ' there... 'n you do..."

"It ain't tha' bad, Ed..."

"Yeah. It is.  'N you goin' down there cancels out official-like ev'ry other good idea ya've had so far."

"No it don't."

"Yeah. It does. No ifs, ands or buts."

"No it don't.  No ifs or ands... but I don't have no objection to the butts."


"So's... how 'bout we jus' pull up a rock 'n sit 'n enjoy the view fer a while..."

"Okay... But let's head back over there first..."

"Ya know there's a big drop-off over there too..."

"Not near as big... 'N besides... folks have survived that one..."

"True... Fella fell off a tha' not too long ago 'n lived..."

"Yeah... Dumbass, prob'bly had hisself some broken ribs 'n started climbin' around 'n lost his footin' 'n fell..."

"Nah... He prob'ly jumped tryn' ta get away from a fella who wouldn' stop mother-hennin' him."


A little while later...

"Cain't believe we been the only ones up here fer a while now..."

"Yeah... me neither."

"This were a real good idea, Hank."

"Hurts ya justa l'il bit ta say tha', don't it...?"


"So's... How 'bout we stay 'til other folks come... 'N then we head out..."

"Fine with me."

A while later...

"C'mon, Ed... Let's go lookit the arch from tha' window in the rock back on the trail..."

"Okay... Jus' be careful climbin' up to it."

"It's justa few feet... Jeez, Ed."

"S' definite-like gettin' busier..."

"Guess folks are startin' ta come fer sunset already..."

"Ya ready ta head back down, Hank...?"

"Nope. Let's go look at it from the other side..."

"Don't wantcha wearin' yerself out..."

"I ain't gonna, Ed."

A little while later...

"Sure is purty... From ev'ry angle..."


"Let's go out a l'il further..."

"No way, Hank... From here ya gotta scramble over them rocks ta get out further... 'N I ain't gonna let ya on accounta yer ribs... 'N on accounta that's one helluv drop-off too."

"Yes, Mother."


"Now let's go look at it from down below..."

"Anywhere ya don't wanna look at it from...?"

"Guess I wouldn' wanna look at it from somewheres I couldn't see it."

"You sure 'bout tha'...?"


"Color's gettin' real nice..."

"Sure is."

"'S gettin' more crowded too... Even more folks comin' fer the sunset I reckon'... Which is our cue ta get a goin'..."

"No way, Ed... I wanna go back up there once more..."

"No way, Hank. You been overdoin' it runnin' thisaway 'n thataway 'n the other way... Yer ribs are likely ta start givin' ya trouble on the way down... if'n they ain't already... which I'd wager they are... So's we should take it nice 'n slow... which means we should go now... before the sun sets... 'cause tha' back way is longer... 'N I ain't takin' 'no way, Ed' fer an answer..."

"Okay, okay..."

"Sure were a nice day."

"Yep. Sure were. Despite all yer continual cluckin'."

"'N despite all yer over-doin' it 'n goin' where ya shouldn' go... 'specially with yer ribs hurtin'."



"So's... Dinner out...?"

"Yep. I'm starvin'."

"Me too."

The next mornin'...

"Damn... Tha' sure is purty ta wake up to..."

"Yep. It sure as hell is."

"Bet it ain't gonna warm up much today... wha' with all them clouds blockin' the sun..."

"Nope. It sure as hell ain't."

"So's... Ya want breakfast in town again...?"

"Yep. I sure as hell do."

"C'mon, dumbass..."

Later... after pancakes...

So's... whaddya wanna do today, Hank...? Ain't too nice out... Ya wanna head home...?"

"No way in hell."

"Ya wanna get a motel room... so's we can stay warm...?"

"Nope. How 'bout we head up ta Canyonlands... 'n take in the views...? The bad weather migh' be real purty up there..."

"Canyonlands it is."

About an hour later...

"You were sayin'...?"

"Uh oh.  Maybe this weren't one a my best ideas..."

"Think maybe ya jus' broke yer winnin' streak..."

"Maybe we jus' gotta give it a l'il time, Ed... Ya know wha' they say in Utah... if'n ya don't like the weather jus' wait five minutes... Or ten maybe..."

"Or twenty even... "

"Well... Ya wanna take a walk along the rim fer a ways anyways... Seein' as we're up here 'n all..."

"What about them ribs a yers...? They sore from yesterday...?"

"They'll be fine, Ed..."

"Along the rim it is..."

Five minutes later...

"Well... least-wise we can see a l'il better..."

"'N least-wise it's stopped snowin'..."

"True. Still crazy windy though... So's steer clear a that edge, Hank."

"I ain't gonna blow away, dumbass."

A little while later...

"Damned if'n it ain't clearin'..."

"Tha' sure is somethin'."

"Sure is."

And a little while after that...

"Lookit now... 'S clear as can be... Guess my winnin' streak is back on..."

"How long has it been since we been down there...?"

"One helluva long time."

"S'pose ya need a permit or somethin' now..."

"Yep. Ta camp anyways... 'N ya purty much gotta camp... ain't none a them motels ya keep offerin' me down there..."

"Not yet anyways."

"Hope they don't get no ideas."

"Me too. Hey... Where the hell are ya goin', Hank...?!?"

"Jus' down thisaway... take a picture a them plants on the edge tha' shows 'em on the edge..."

"Get yer ass back up here..."

"I ain't nowheres near the edge..."

"I don't care. Get back up here. Now."

"Jeez, Ed... I've had m'self 'bout enough of all this mother hennin'... Ya gotta snap outta it."

"I don't gotta do nothin'."

"Yeah. Ya do."

"Jus' don't wantcha fallin' over the edge..."

"I. Ain't. Gonna. Fall. Off. The. Edge."

"But... Ya gotta admit... Ya ain't too steady on yer feet yet..."

"I'm fine, Ed."

"Well... least-wise not fer clamborin' around rocks at the edge of a sheer drop-off..."

"Fine. I won't do no climbin' around... 'N I'll take the picture from up here... where it won't show how on the edge they are... But... then you gotta stop with all the mother-hennin'... Okay...?"

"I ain't mother hennin' ya."

"Yeah. Ya are, Ed. You ain't stopped cluckin' at me since it happened... 'N... I gotta admit... I were kinda enjoyin' it... at first anyways... But now... it's jus' gettin' ta be waaay too much... 'n I cain't take no more of it."

"Jus' worried 'bout somethin' else happenin' to ya, Hank..."

"Nothin' else is gonna happen ta me, Ed."


"On second thought... I shouldn' say tha'... 'Cause I cain't promise tha'... But no one can... Couple a big ol' eagles could come flyin' outta the sky in the next minute 'n decide ta pick me up 'n drop me over that edge... Or a meteor could fall outta the sky right on my head... Or I could drop dead of a heart attack... None of us know what's gonna happen... 'N sometimes bad stuff does happen... Hell... Sooner or later it's bound to... But there ain't no use worryin' about it before it does..."

"Well... Tha' still don't mean you should go climbin' 'round on the edge a cliffs when yer ribs are still hurtin'... Or any other time fer tha' matter..."

"Okay... I won't climb 'round on the edge a cliffs while my ribs are still hurtin'."

"Or any other time."

"We'll see 'bout tha' when the time comes... But fer now... wouldya please stop with all the askin' how I'm feelin' 'n how my ribs are ev'ry ten seconds...?  'N... I cain't believe I'm about ta say this... but... wouldya stop offerin' me a motel room too...?  Makes me feel damn old...  like ya think I cain't hack campin' no more... 'N... I know yer jus' worried 'bout me, Ed... But the more ya dote on me the harder it is ta ferget about what happened... 'Cause ev'ery single time ya start cluckin' at me it makes me think about it... Hell... 'S more like yer peckin' at a wound 'n openin' it again 'n again 'n again 'n again 'n again 'n again..."

"Never meant ta make ya feel worse, Hank."

"I know, Ed... But... it does... 'N... ya also gotta try ta relax more 'round other folks... And yeah, I know whatcha were always afraid of happenin' happened... But I survived it...  'N it ain't likely ta happen again... 'N I sure as hell don't wanna live our lives worryin' that it is... 'N I sure don't want it ta change who I am... or who you are... 'N I know damn well tha' you know tha' that ain't no way ta live neither... 'cause we been there 'n done that 'n it weren't no good... 'N all yer worryin' way back when wouldn'a stopped it from happenin' no how..."

"Yeah. I know yer righ'... 'S just hard..."

"I know tha' too. Hell... Ya think I don't worry 'bout losin' you too...?  I sure as hell do sometimes... 'Specially the way ya take chances on the ranch ev'ry now 'n again 'n get yerself all beat up... But I try my best not ta worry 'bout it... 'N I don't try 'n stop ya from doin' what I know yer gonna do anyways... 'cause ya love it... 'N... if'n ya really wanna help me get over it... Well... that's what I need from ya... more 'n anythin'..."

"Okay, Hank."


"Yeah. Really."

"Okay then."

"So's... ya wanna head somewheres else...?"

"How 'bout we head ta tha' Mesa Arch...?"

"This a test...? Tha' thing is right on the edge of a huge cliff..."

"It ain't a damn test. I jus' wanna see it."

"Mesa Arch it is."


A little while later...

"There she is..."

"Sure is purty."


"Hey, Ed... I'm gonna climb up on top of it... 'n do a handstand... while you take my picture..."

"Dammit, Hank..."

"Jus' kiddin'."


"But I am gonna walk closer ta the edge... ta take a couple a pictures... 'n I jus' wanna give ya fair warnin'..."

"Okay. I'll turn 'n look thisaway instead."

"Fine. Do whatever ya gotta do that'll help ya hold yer tongue."

"Tell me when yer done."

"I'm done, dumbass.  'N 'cause ya wouldn' look ya missed the sun lightin' up the bottom of it fer a second."

"Better ta miss tha' than not ta miss seein' you fallin' over that edge."

"Cut it the hell out, Ed.  I mean it."

"Okay... okay..."

A few minutes later...

"Damn... Back ta cloudy."

"But still purty."


"Ya think it's worth it stayin' around fer the sunset...?"

"You got any other place ya gotta be...?"

"Nope. Sunset it is."


"Damn... tha' sure is one helluva purty sunset..."

"Sure is."

"So's... You hungry...?"

"You gotta ask...?"

Later on, back at camp...

"Got me another real good idea, Ed..."

"Wha' migh' tha' be...?"

"C'mere... 'n I'll show ya..."


"You sure yer..."

"Cut it out, Ed. If'n it hurts I'll let ya know..."

"Okay, Hank."

"'N... alls I know is... 'Baby, I need yer lovin'... Baby, I need yer lovin'... Although yer always near... 'N yer voice I often hear... all through the day... 'n all through the night... askin' me way too many times if'n I feel alrigh'... But I'm willin' ta fergive ya 'cause I'm so horny..."

"Think yer changin' a whole lot a them words."

"Not these though... 'Baby, I need yer lovin'... Got ta have all yer lovin'... Baby, I need yer lovin'... Got ta have all yer lovin'...'  So's... You gonna give it to me... Or not...?"

"Well... I guess I gotta... Seein' as ya need it so bad 'n all... Be real cruel not to..."

"C'mere, dumbass..."


"Damn, Hank... think tha' were yer best idea yet..."

"Sure were. 'N... I sure did miss ya, Ed..."

"Sure missed you too, Hank... But..."


"I jus' gotta ask ya... just this once..."

"Sigh... Go ahead..."

"You okay...?"

"Couldn' be better."

"Good ta know."

"Love yer dumb ass, Ed."

"Love yers too, Hank."

The next morning...

"Uh oh."

"How bad is it, Ed...?"

"Lemme open up the gate 'n look...  Well... Not bad at all... not even an inch... But depends if'n it's gonna snow more or not... 'N if'n it don't... 'n the sun comes out... it'll most like melt..."

"So's... how 'bout we go back ta sleep... 'n then go fer a late breakfast later... while it's decidin' 'xactly what it's gonna do..."

"Good idea."

"Yep. I'm jus' full of 'em.  Now... c'mon back here 'n I'll warm ya up real good..."

"You got it."

"I sure do."

Later that day...



And even later that day...


"Wake up, Ed..."

"Huh...? Wha'...?"

"We slept the day away."


"Sun's settin' even..."


"Looks like it mostly cleared up though... 'N most all the snow's melted..."

"That's good news fer tomorrow."

"Guess we both needed a good long sleep... It's been one helluva month..."

"Sure has. So's... I'm starvin'... Ya wanna get ourselves dressed 'n go fer dinner, Hank...?"

"Nah. We still got plenty a cold food with us... So's why don't we just have us a picnic here in the back a the truck..."

"Them good ideas a yers jus' keep on a comin'."

"Jus' wait 'til ya hear what I got in mind fer dessert."

"I'm lookin' forward to it."

"You should be."



"Turn tha' down, Hank..."

"No way, Ed... This here is Moab... 'N I think they got some kinda law requirin' ya ta be an asshole if'n yer gonna come here... even if'n ya ain't drivin' around in a big ol' Land Crusher 'n runnin' over ev'rythin' in sight... Besides... There ain't no one around fer miles..."

"Yeah... Well..."

"So's... How 'bout it...? Ya wanna waltz me across Texas...?"

"Would ya settle fer just across our campsite..?"

"I sure would."

"Jus' promise me ya won't waltz me inta the fire..."

"C'mere, dumbass..."

The next day... after pancakes, of course...

"Ya wanna jus' roam 'round up where we're camped, Hank...?"

"Why the hell not...? 'S usually over-run any other time a year... 'n we'd be liable ta get run over... so's we might as well enjoy the solitude while we can..."

"You up ta all the up 'n down...?"

"Dammit, Ed..."

"Lemme re-phrase tha'... Wha' the hell are we waitin' fer...? Let's get a goin'..."

"That's more like it."

"Sure is purty with tha' l'il bit a snow left, ain't it Hank...?"

"Sure is."

"Nice 'n warm with the sun shinin' too."

"Sure is."

"Most a tha' snow melted purty darn quick."

"Sure did."

"Yep. Sure is purty."

"Sure is."

"Ya wanna stop 'n have us an apple or somethin' up there in the sun, Hank...?"

"Sure do."

"Nice 'n warm on the sunny side a this here rock."

"Sure is."

"Blocks tha' cold wind too."

"Sure does."

"This has been real nice, Hank... Bein' here in Moab... this time a year..."

"Sure has."

"'N... I gotta admit... It's kinda nice bein' close 'nough ta town ta go out fer breakfast 'n dinner... 'n not havin' ta cook..."

"Sure is."

"So's maybe we can come here again next year... same time 'n all..."

"Sure can."

"So's... Wha' the hell do ya keep grinnin' about, Hank...?"

"It's killin' ya not ta mother-hen me, ain't it, Ed...?"

"Sure is."

"Okay... I'll have pity on ya... Go ahead 'n ask..."

"Yer ribs feelin' okay...?"

"Sure are. You feel better now...?"

"Sure do."

"C'mere, dumbass..."

"Still migh' be other folks around somewheres... Ya never know out here..."

"C'mon, Ed... I were jus' gonna give ya a real quick kiss..."




"Thanks, Ed. Now, c'mere..."

A couple of minutes later...

"Tha' weren't exactly 'quick'."

"You weren't exactly protestin'."

"I sure weren't."

"'N I'm sure glad tha' you sure weren't."


Later that night...

"So's Hank... you up ta...?"

"Sure am."

"Ya mind if'n I put the music on this time...?"

"Sure don't."


"Sure am."

"Think yer funny, dontcha...?"

"Sure do."

"Well... Here ya go, dumbass..."


"Didn' know we had this one..."

"We didn't. Hearin' it on the radio reminded me of it... Couldn' find it in town... So's Betty ordered it fer me... ya know... off a the computer... 'N.... Well... It just...it  jus' says what I wanna say ta ya... but don't got the words to..."

"Jeez, Ed..."

"So's... c'mere, wouldya, Hank...?"

"Yeah, Ed... I sure will..."


A man filled with doubt, down and out and so alone.
A ship tossed and turned, lost and yearning for a home.
A survivor barely surviving, not really sure of his next move.
All of this I would of been if there hadn't been you.

If there hadn't been you, where would I be.
If there hadn't been you here for me.
I made it through times I never would've made it through.
If there hadn't been you.

A man filled with hope who finally knows where he belongs.
A heart filled with love more than enough to keep it strong.
A life that's alive again, no longer afraid to face the truth.
All of this I would of missed if there hadn't been you.

If there hadn't been you, where would I be.
If there hadn't been you here for me.
I made it through times, I never would've made it through.


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