(no subject)

Mar 05, 2013 08:02

Ed and Hank

Ed, this is my song, my serenade to you...  (A catch-up/summary (kinda/sorta) of Ed and Hank's story from the beginning 'n inta the future...)

Disclaimer: Hank told their story to Annie Proulx. Jack and Ennis are all hers. Ed and Hank belong only to each other. Rating: G $$: Nope.

Links to all previous posts are here:

Hank 'n Ed

A brief summ'ry of their story,
From the beginnin' 'n inta the future,
(hopefully, the real, real faaaaaar off future)
Well... it was brief 'til Ed stuck his two cents in:


"Hey, Hank..."

"Hey, Ed..."

"Wha' song's tha'..?"

''S called 'Livin' in a Moment'... I'm usin' it ta sum up our story fer folks who migh' not a read it... Or maybe mighta fergot it..."

"Too lazy ta write it out, huh...?"

"Purty much."

"Tha' song's righ' though, Hank... Them odds sure were against us... Hell... Sometimes I still cain't believe we beat 'em..."

"'N it was mostly thanks ta you, Ed..."

"Yer welcome."

"'Course it took ya long enough..."

"No way am I lettin' you drag me inta tha' particular conversation."

"Smart fella."

"I don't think I like them parts of tha' song about ashes ta ashes 'n carvin tha' headstone...'N that ain't 'xactly 'livin' in the moment' neither..."

"You do got a point there... So's... how 'bout we jus' ferget about tha' part... 'n live in this here moment... righ' now..."

"Well... I know 'xactly what I'd like ta be doin' right about now..."

"Ya do, huh...? 'N exactly wha' migh' tha' be...?"

"Makin' pancakes. Fer dinner.  After all... ya only live once... So's ya might as well have pancakes fer dinner ev'ry now 'n again."


"'Course... I wouldn't mind workin' up an appetite beforehand... So's... you got any ideas, Hank...?"

"Think I migh'..."

"Thought you migh'."

C'mere, Ed... It's easier if'n I show ya..."


"Ya know, Hank... Tha' song you picked's got one other thing wrong..."

"Yer still nit-pickin' tha' song...?"

"Tha'd be two men who got all they ever wanted..."

"It would, huh...?"

"Leastwise it will be once I get them pancakes."

"Pancakes it is... C'mon, dumbass... Ya gotta get yer ass outta bed if'n ya want 'em... You mix up the batter... 'n I'll cook 'em..."

"No way... You'll burn 'em... 'N I've caught ya flippin' 'em more'n once more'n once... So's I'll cook 'em... You mix up the batter..."

"Fine. I'll mix up the batter. You cook 'em."

"Don't go over-mixin' it though... They end up all tough-like 'n it ruins 'em... 'S damn hard ta get a decent pancake at a diner these days 'cause so many folks jus' don't know tha' no more... Might as well make a headstone fer decent rest'rant pancakes... 'Cause they're all but extinct."

"You wanna make the batter too...?"

"Wouldn' mind."

"Fine. So's... You got any particular objection ta me makin' the coffee...?"

"Nope. Not so's long as it's good anyways."

"Ya know somethin', Ed...?"


"I love yer dumb ass."

"I love yers too, Hank."

Later that night...

**toss** **turn** **toss** **turn**  "Dammit. Tha' weren't decaf, were it...?"

"Nope. We're all outta decaf."

"Ya coulda leastwise told me so's I wouldna drunk it."

"Pancakes withou' coffee...? That's like pizza withou' beer... Or apple pie withou' ice cream... Or you withou' me... So's ya know ya woulda drunk it anyways."



"'N one other thing 'bout tha' song..."

"You gotta be kiddin' me."

"It don't really sum up our whole story... More like from once we got back together again... Or more like after we got together permanent-like... But not tha' first summer..."

"You wanna start writin' our story instead a me...?"

"Wouldn't 'xactly call it 'writin'' when ya just type out wha' we say..."

"Cain't argue with tha'... So's... do you wanna start typin' out wha' we say...?"

"Nope. But ya know... ifn' ya ask me... there's only one song tha' fits tha' summer..."

"I know... I know... 'N the cd it's on is sittin' right over there - practic'lly worn through I might add..."

"Don't worry... We got plenty more cds with it on it too..."

"Enough ta last us through eternity. 'N then some."

"You tired of our song...?"

"Not so much tired of it as I think I got a 'ring a fire' branded onta my brain."

"Still sums up tha' summer purty damn well... 'N the rest of it too... if'n ya ask me..."

"True 'nough... 'Course... when I first laid eyes on ya tha' summer I remember thinkin'... 'Ed's so fine... wish he were mine... tha' good lookin' cowboy over there... the one with the wavy hair... 'N I didn't know how I was gonna do it... but I was gonna make ya mine... It was justa matter a time'... 'Course if'n I'd a knowed then 'xactly how long it was gonna take... 'n tha' ya'd hafta wrestle tha' vengeful god you were raised with inta submission..."


"...I still woulda done it."

"Me too, Hank."

"'N then... as time went on... Well... I thought 'you were jus' too good ta be true... 'N I couldn't take my eyes off a you... I thought ya'd be like heaven ta touch... 'n I wanted ta hold ya so much'... Among doin' a whole buncha other stuff to ya as well... But ya never seemed ta notice me that way... So's purty soon I started 'goin' outta my head over you... Outta my head over you... Outta my head... day 'n night 'n night 'n day 'n night'... Did I mention at night? 'Specially at night... 'Course durin' the day too..."

"So that's when ya first went off a yer rocker, huh...?"

"Purty much. Over you. 'N lessee... after tha'... 'we fin'lly fell inta tha' burnin' ring a fire... We went down down down... 'n the flames went higher... 'n it burned, burned, burned... tha' ring a fire'... 'specially after tha' first time... But then ya really 'lit my fire'... 'n after that 'I couldn't get enough a yer love, babe... I don't know I don't know I don't know why... I couldn't get enough a yer love, babe'... Well... actually I got a purty good idea why..."

"I think ya may have spent too much time listenin' ta the radio back then..."

"'N after tha'... Yer eyes were always filled ta the brim with 'tha' look of love'...  Not tha' ya ever woulda admitted it... But 'tha' look of love was most definite-like in yer eyes... A look tha' that heart a yers couldn' disguise'... 'N after tha'... well... 'I was just a damn fool fer ya, cowboy... Oh me, oh my I was such a fool for ya baby... Oh me, oh my... You know that I am crazy, cowboy... Yes you do'..."

"I sure do. Yer crazy as one a them loons."

"'N by the end of the summer... comin' down off a tha' mountain... which I sure as hell don't like thinkin' about...Tha' was when I really thought I was goin' crazy... 'Crazy fer thinkin' tha' my love coulda held ya... 'N crazy fer tryin'... 'n crazy fer cryin'... 'N crazy fer lovin' you'... 'N after all tha' summer alls I got was yer lousy shirt... that I took from ya... 'N the only thing diff'rent... 'n the only thing new... is alls I got was yer shirt... 'N she got you'... 'N then... Hell... them years withou' ya... they were purty much filled with a helluva lot more Patsy Cline songs... 'n Bonnie Raitt songs too... Before they were even writ."

"So's how 'bout we jus' don't talk about them years..."

"Hell... Bet I could string our whole story together withou' writin' a word of it... Jus' playin' one song right after the other..."

"I ain't takin' tha' bet."

"I'd hafta use YouTube though... 'n there'd be too many dumbass ads poppin' up..."

"So's why dontcha jus' put on 'Ring a Fire' 'n we could re-live some a them way back-then moments... Seein' as we're both still awake 'n all..."

"Do I gotta re-live the bitter cold... 'n the rotten food... 'n them eagle-sized mosquitoes...?"

"'N don't ferget the drivin' rain 'n the leakin' tent... 'n the irritatin' sheep..."

"'N you alternatin' 'tween jumpin' on me 'n then gettin' all moody-like 'n freaked out about it..."

"'N tha' summer endin' waaay too soon."

"Yeah, Ed... It sure as hell went by in the blink of an eye..."

"So's did all the rest of it."

"Ain't over yet."

"Not by a long shot. So's... How 'bout we jus' make us some new 'n improved moments...?"

"Sounds good ta me... I'll put some music on..."

"'Put on 'Ring a fire', wouldya Hank..."

"I got somethin' else in mind..."

"Dammit, Hank."

"Lemme look on YouTube..."

"'S never a good sign when we don't own it..."

"Dumbass... Here it is..."


"Dumbass backatcha."

"Wha'...? I  sure as hell did have the time a my life tha' summer... 'N I'm still havin' it... 'N ya still are the one thing I cain't get enough of..."

"You too, Hank... Leastwise yer right up there with pancakes 'n pie... 'n pizza..."

"Couldn't ask fer more...  So's... D'ya wanna do some dirty dancin' with me, Ed...?

"I dunno... You seem ta be doin' jus' fine all by yerself there..."

"C'mon, Ed..."

"Well... Okay... So's long as I don't gotta get up outta this here bed."

"You got it, Ed."

"I sure as hell do. All of it."

"You willin' ta share some of it...?

"I sure as hell am... C'mere, Hank..."

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