(no subject)

Jan 27, 2008 09:19

Ed and Hank

Still workin' it on out...

(That fella who was Ennis... part two)

Note: Hank didn't know there was going to be a part two, but here it is... such as it is... Also, the heartfelt comments from the last post were very much appreciated and would have been answered sooner, but Hank had this on his mind. (And maybe it's kinda hard to figure out what to say, because this isn't something Hank ever wanted, or expected, he and Ed to be talking about.)  Disclaimer: Hank told their story to Annie Proulx. Jack and Ennis are all hers. Ed and Hank belong only to each other.

Part 1, That fella who was Ennis... is here:

Everything else is here:

Still workin' it on out...

"So's... I guess this is it, Hank... Ya finally lost yer mind..."

"Think maybe I have at tha'."

"Do ya miss it?"

"Not as much as ya'd think."

"'Xactly how many times have ya played tha' song...?"

"However many times I played it already... plus... hold on a second...


...plus this time. So far, anyways..."

"How come ya keep playin' it over 'n over again...?"

"If'n I had an answer ta that I wouldn' be agreein' with ya that I lost my mind."

"Least-wise ya picked a purty song ta lose yer mind to."

"Is real purty... Ain't it...?"

"Yep. 'N tha' man's got his self a real soothin' voice."

"Looked the song up... Said he wrote it when he were in Spain 'n missin' home... Heard it this mornin' in the barn on that oldies station... 'n it jus got under 'm skin fer some reason... So's I found it on YouTube..."

"Yeah... Some dumbass keeps changin' the radio station from country ta oldies... Ya wouldn' happen ta know who tha'd be, wouldya...? Irritates the horses ta no end."

"The horses get irritated, huh...?"


"Mus' be Bill."

"Ain't Bill. He likes country music... same as me 'n the horses do."

"You 'n Bill... I swear... Hate ta think a the love triangle we'd have on our hands if'n he were queer too."

"Wouldn' never work... Bill 'n me are too much alike."

"You've considered it, huh...?"



"So's... I s'pose ya wanna go ta Carolina now?"

"Don' know hardly nothin' 'bout Carolina... North or South... 'Course I wouldn' mind findin' out... Hear Charleston's s'posed ta be real purty... Pro'bly got swamps somewheres too... I ain't never seen a swamp..."

"Ya wanna see a swamp, huh...?"

"Wouldn' you...?"

"Cain't say as I ever thought 'bout it one way or 'nother... But... I guess if'n I found m'self standin' in the middle a one I'd take a look 'round..."

"Yeah... It'd prob'bly be a real good idea ta keep yer eyes open... what with all them alligators 'n pythons 'n piranhas 'n whatnot..."

"You sure tha' particular swamp's in Carolina...?"

"Could be."

"Maybe I wouldn' wanna see no swamp after all."



"I dunno... Listenin' ta this song over 'n over... Think maybe it's still got somethin' ta do with Heath Ledger passin' away..."

"Think I liked it better when you were twistin' 'n shoutin'."

"Guess I didn' quite work it all out yet... I'm not so's mad no more... But it's still real sad... readin' 'bout his family comin' ta take him home the other day... 'n what they said 'bout him... 'n what his sister said... 'bout how he was so many things ta so many folks... but ta her he'd always jus' be her l'il brother... Shit... 'S hard ta take..."

"Sure is."

"'N it sure seems ta be affectin' a whole lotta folks tha' didn' know him... I saw a video clip a Daniel Day Lewis... Ya know... the actor..."

"Yeah... I know who he is..."

"Saw it on tha' HuffingtonPost.com... but it were from the Oprah show... He'd just heard 'bout wha' happened 'fore the interview started 'n he started ta break up some durin' it... 'n he didn' even know Heath Ledger neither... Guess with him bein' a real good actor too he prob'bly felt like he'd lost a kindred spirit... or whatever ya call it... 'N like the rest a us... I guess he jus' knew the world lost a real rare person... someone it were better off havin' in it... 'n someone that left it a better place than it were before."

"True 'nough."

"'N I think some a them folks on tha' site I post our story on were 'fraid tha' they'd lose Ennis... But they didn'. They won't never lose Ennis. No more 'n they could ever lose Jack. Not really. Or Heath. It's true... wha' folks have been sayin'... Ya don' never lose someone if'n they're in yer heart..."

"Guess it's kinda like when folks ya love move far 'way from ya... Like Iris... Don' get ta see her much... Not nearly 'nough... But she's always in my heart... So she never seems tha' far 'way..."

"Ya ever tell her tha'...?"

"Think she knows..."

"'Course she knows... But you should still tell her."

"Yeah... I should."

"'N... I dunno, Ed... He was Ennis 'n Ennis is you... Kinda anyways... So's... Jeez... don' make no sense... but it makes it even harder fer me somehow..."

"Makes ya think 'bout me kickin' the bucket, huh...?"

"Ain't 'xactly how I woulda put it..."

"Just hope I can count on watchin' you 'n Bill twistin' 'n shoutin' after I do..."

"How 'bout we just agree ta kick tha' there bucket at the same time? Leave all the twistin' 'n shoutin' ta Bill."

"Fine with me."

"How's forty-seven years from next Saturday look fer you?"

"I'm busy."

"Ya are, huh...?"

"Yep. Ya gotta give a fella a l'il more notice fer a Saturday... Me 'n Bill are goin' out ta dinner 'n a movie tha' nigh'."

"Figures ya wouldn' invite me."

"Ya know wha' they say 'bout three bein' a crowd 'n all..."

"Speakin' a movies... Ya do know that I'm gonna wanna watch tha' there movie with ya now... dontcha...?"

"Figured as much."

"Lettin' ya off the hook fer now though... 'Cause I don' think 'm up fer watchin' it... not fer a while anyways..."

"So's... Is tryin' ta go ta Carolina in yer mind makin' ya feel any better, Hank...? Or are ya just endin' up wanderin' 'round lost in there?"

"Think it made me feel worse at first... But then it started makin' me feel better..."

"After 'bout the billionth time, huh...?"

"Yeah... Give or take a time or two..."

"So's... You ever plannin' on comin' back...?"

"Couldn' never stay 'way from you fer long, Ed..."

"Well... Lemme know when ya are... So's I can pick ya up at the bus station."

"Thanks, but if'n it's all the same ta you, I think I'll fly back... Maybe I'll take that SST... Always wanted ta fly on tha'..."

"Don' think them kinda planes are still flyin'..."

"They are in my mind."

"Hey... Maybe you could jus' flap yer arms 'n fly there 'n back under yer own power...? Tha' way I won't hafta pick ya up at the airport."

"Got a better idea... How 'bout you jus' come along with me ta Carolina...?"

"Don' know 'bout tha'... Somebody's gotta stay here 'n take care a this place..."

"C'mon, Ed... I'd really like the company... How 'bout we jus' go overnigh'...?"

"Who's gonna take care a Hankthedog 'n Edthedog?"

"We could take 'em with us... They ain't had no vacation since they got here..."

"Ev'ry day's a vacation fer them."

"I don' know 'bout tha'... Doin' nothin' can be real hard work..."

"You oughta know."

"Ya know I set that one up fer ya, dontcha...?"

"Yep... 'N I ain't one ta look a gift horse in the mouth."

"There's an idea... How 'bout we take the horses, too...?"

"Migh' be nice... They got places ta ride horses in Carolina...?"

"Sure do... Least-wise in the Carolina in my mind."

"Exactly how many folks are you invitin' on this trip...? Ain't yer mind gonna get a migh' crowded...?"

"Nah... There's plenty a room..."

"Settin' me up again, huh...?"

"I enjoy bein' the straight man ev'ery now 'n again... So ta speak, anyways..."

"I dunno, Hank... Maybe we'd better go ta Carolina in my mind..."

"Oh yeah... Tha'd be a lot better..."

"Wha's wrong with tha'...?"

"Don' think I didn' notice tha' ya snuck Bill in along with them cattle too..."

"Don' know whatcher talkin' 'bout..."

"Okay... How 'bout this, Ed...?"

"Tha's real nice... But where the hell are the dogs...?"

"Mus' be out on the town with them two bathin' beauties they met..."

"Jeez, Hank... Ya know I cain't stand it when folks dress up animals."

"Me neither. Jus' couldn' resist irritatin' you."


"Hey... There's the dogs... they're jus' laggin' behind some... like usual..."

"Tha's better."

"So's it's settled then... We're all goin' ta Carolina."

"Thing is, Hank... I think we're already there..."

"Yeah, Ed... I guess we are... 'N thanks be fer tha'..."

"Now... How 'bout I send ya somewheres else fer a l'il while...?"

"Ya know I like ta travel... Where ya got in mind...?"

"Why dontcha close yer eyes 'n I'll s'prise ya...?"

"D'ya think I oughta fasten my seatbelt...?"

"I'll be glad ta take care a yer belt fer ya... but I was thinkin' more along the lines a unfastenin' it..."

"Love ya, dumbass..."

"Love you too, dumbass..."


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