May 28, 2009 11:55
Saw this from Merry and Krissie. And, since I don't watch too much tv, we'll see if I have 15 ships. In no particular order.
1. Sam/Jack (SG-1)
2. Daniel/Vala (SG-1)
3. Han/Leia (Star Wars)
4. Jean-Luc/Guinan (ST:TNG)
5. Will/Deanna (ST:TNG)
6. Duncan/Tessa (HIghlander)
7. Ronon/Jennifer (SGA)
8. Rodney/Laura (SGA)
9 Dr/Rose (Doctor Who)
10. Dr/RiverSong (Doctor Who)
11. Warrick/Catherine (CSI)
12. Nick/Mandy (CSI)
13. Tony/Ziva (NCIS)
14. Tim/Abby (NCIS)
15. Jack/S.A.R.A.H (EUReKA)
And that's not all of them! Who knew I watched so much tv? I also see love everywhere I go. I'm such a hopeless romantic!