(no subject)

Sep 01, 2007 13:05

my apartment. :]

ze dining room and kitchen:

our pictures on the fridge that anya put: (one of these days i'll give her a non-myspace picture. she's the one beside me.)

our grocery list (ish):

ze living room (tv not shown):

ze patio:

the mirrow anya put up and wrote on ("oh my! you're beautiful!"):

my bed!

a while back, this is what my schedule looked like:
 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday07:00       07:30       08:00ITAL100AITAL100AITAL100AITAL100A   08:30ITAL100AITAL100AITAL100AITAL100A   09:00SOC101ITAL100ASOC101ITAL100ASOC101  09:30SOC101RWS200SOC101RWS200SOC101  10:00MATH150RWS200MATH150RWS200MATH150  10:30MATH150RWS200MATH150RWS200MATH150  11:00ART100 ART100MATH150   11:30ART100 ART100MATH150   12:00ART100 ART100    12:30ART100 ART100    13:00ART100 ART100    13:30ART100 ART100  
this is it now:
 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday07:00       07:30       08:00ITAL100AITAL100AITAL100AITAL100A   08:30ITAL100AITAL100AITAL100AITAL100A   09:00 ITAL100A ITAL100A   09:30 RWS200 RWS200   10:00LING101RWS200LING101RWS200LING101  10:30LING101RWS200LING101RWS200LING101  11:00       11:30       12:00       12:30       13:00       13:30       14:00 ART101 ART101   14:30 ART101 ART101   15:00 ART101 ART101   15:30 ART101 ART101   16:00 ART101 ART101   16:30 ART101 ART101 
see the difference? i'm so glad for it too. i think i would've cried having one class after the other and MATH. yippee for failing the proficiency exam.

there's not much for me to report.
i'm actually trying to do some homework right now,
then i might go out later.
one of my cousins just had her bebe so we're going to
go see them tomorrow.

yay for three-day weekends!
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