Thanks to
ulyferal my fics now have a lemonly fresh beta smell!
Story: Moon ChildSS/RL, + child.
WARNINGS: Implied MPreg, but could also be read as implied adoption.
Raiting: PG
Summary: Everyone allways thinks Severus's child will be brilliant. But what will Severus's do when his child has a serious learning disability?
Story: Severus's PresentSS/RL/OMC
WARNINGS: Slash, Bondage, toys, misuse of silk and candy canes, sex magic, threesomes.
The OMC is Jason Cox, an OMC of logn standing from in the stroy arch at
hp_holidaysRaiting: NC17
Summary: Remus gets Severus what he has always wanted (well, other than James Potter as his sex slave)
Story: A Halloween costumeSS/RL, SS/RL/OMC, + Sev and Rem's son and his friends. NOT the same fic universe as Moon Child.
The OMC is Jason Cox, an OMC of logn standing from in the stroy arch at
hp_holidaysRaiting: PG13
Summary: Hogwarts school has its 1st trick-o-treat and Severus' and Remus' son has a great idea for an outfit.
Story: Persuasion
The OMC is Jason Cox, an OMC of logn standing from in the stroy arch at
hp_holidaysWARNINGS: Slash, food sex, bondage, sex magic
Summary: Remus must convence Severus to allow an american holiday.
Story: The MaestroFawkes/Historical Charter, Fawkes/AD, Fawkes/contemporary charter
Raiting: G
Summary: The Phoenix we knew as Fawkes and three of his masters.
Story: Light Red BoxersRemus/Severus
Raiting: PG-13
Summary: A christmas gift from Sevvie to his Wolfie.
Story: 10 things you didn't know about Molly.Molly, Molly/Arthur, the rest of the Weasleys, Lucius Malfoy
Raiting: G
Summary: 10 facts about Molly, her family, and one who wishes to harm them.
Two olds stories that are also beted
Story: The Good FightOFC/OMC
Raiting: PG13
Summary: Story of a wich adn wizard from a small Irish magic school and their life during the Voldie War.
Story: Ron's War
RW/Mystery charter
WARNINGS: Dark!Fic, drugs, sucide hints, death
Summary: Ron faught with Harry in the Voldie War, but now he has his own battle to fight.