Story: Moon Child
SS/RL, + child.
Warning: Implied MPreg, but could also be read as implied adoption.
Raiting: PG
Summary: Everyone allways thinks Severus's child will be brilliant. But what will Severus's do when his child has a serious learning disability?
SIDE NOTE: I am looking for a good beta. Some one that does something other than run spell
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When workign with the special students, part of the problems that the parents had was that they were in denile, over compensating (doing *everything* for the child) or doing the 'tough love' and doing nothign for the child. The mothers also tended to get to a 'its all my falt, I did something to them' stange. It takes a long time, if ever, to coem to grips with a child having a sersious learning need.
Thank you for your review! I see you in stories all over the place (can;t forget that icon) so its nice seeing the 'big' reviewers respond to a story.
Part of the reason I wrote snape as having such a hard time was that he lives in his mind, eh is a 'hard core' acadmic. So few people with mild leraning disabilties, let alone one like DS, ever are. I can count on one hand that number of peopel that told me that college would be a good idea *despite* of the learning disabilties. I've had scores of people, sadly enough quite a few teachers, telling me that I shouldn't bother because I had learnign disabilties.
Thanks again for the review, check otu the rest of my fanfic tag if ya wnat, I'll be updateign again soem time after mid may.
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