(no subject)

Aug 31, 2006 19:38

{August 31st, 2006}
dear livejournal,

lala. so im updating again because something good happened today,
since my incident ( foot etc. ) so yeah..
anyways, Hayden & Godfrey & Vania came to visit me :)
hehe. yay. so we talked and such.. & guess what,
i found out that hayden has the same homeroom as me!
but me & godfrey have nothing the same.. :(
lol. hayden turned bad & gangster LOL. well kinda..
but he's stilll the same old hayden deep down ;)
so we talked some more, and hayden played some YU-GI-OH.
then godfrey had to leave, so they left with him.

*sigh* those three made my day a whole lot better :)

love, dorothy <3

ps. omg i want a BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG teddy bear! :(

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