Dec 08, 2006 15:28
I'm beginning to think maybe I won't transfer to college in Colorado. And this is a horrible reason why not to, but it's because the school I want to go to is in Boulder. It's not that I don't want to live in Boulder, because it seems like a cool place. It's on the foothills of the rocky mountains. And damn it I can't even handle how cold it is here in Beaver County so I highly doubt mountain weather will be any better ya know.
I have been dressing accordingly for this weather lately, ya know sweaters and such. Today my friends were nice enough to inform me that I looked a librarian. In fact the one girl said I looked exactly her old librarian. Who tells someone they look like they work at a library?
I don't know what I was thinking when I said to myself maybe Penn State Beaver aint such a bad place after all. So far I have met not one person who likes to read or listens to something other than rap or alternative music or emo music. In psychology today I was reading an the girl next to me could not fathom why I would want to. Man I hate this place.