Laughing with your broken eyes

Aug 26, 2006 14:40

Waking up with that one person next to you, and laying there in silence, knowing that everything is perfect, and everything will stay perfect as long as you stay in that one moment, and the next morning will be just the same. Coming home in a mood, where you want to cry/ just to to bed and never wake up, but then just one kiss washes everything away. This is a perfect love. Wanting to make yourself better for them, wanting to make everything better for them. Im *calm* right now. It just took a step back looking at my life to realize how perfect everything was. I sleep in the deepest sleep. Wake up with a smile on my face. I cannot wait for the next day to start, because that means another morning of laying in bed in bliss even if its for a few moments before we must rise.

Here are some cute pics of emma recently

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