
Jul 31, 2005 09:37

Went to Vermont this weekend. A very long drive to endure with two small boys, but a nice time until...
Yesterday we took the boys to a farm with all sorts of animals, they made and sold cheese there, yada, yada, yada. City kids ain't never been seen stuff like that. Anywho, I walked over to a stable (with my nervous nelly friend) and went to pet the horses. Next thing I know, my friend's flipping out and I'm all stunned and crap. Apparently, when I bent over to pet the cute horsies, my face hit the unmarked electric wire and I had some high voltage currents running through my body, unbeknownst to me.

Let's just say that it was quite the shocking experience. AND, I shit you not, my hair has more gray in it than two days ago.

DID ANYONE SEE IT LAST NIGHT? I knew that was going to happen! I just can't believe that it actually did. And I really started hating that character recently. No one has seen it so I can't talk to anyone about it. I just can't believe that this is the last season, too. WHY WHY WHY?

My family, on both sides, is very close...cousins and all.
My aunt (mom's side) has always been like our sister, and her only daughter also like our own sister.

I had always idolized my aunt, put her on a pedestal, but over the past, say, 15 years, I've come to realize that she's very superficial, and although she usually means well, she's very condescending. It's like we're the poor relations. Everything she says is supposed to be gospel and because she has a psych degree and a load of dough, she thinks she's the Fo-Shiz-Nit. My mom has always taken it in stride. My sister likes to engage in harmless banter with her, but they are VERY close. But let's just say, my aunt has fallen from grace in my eyes many years ago (but I'd never in a million years every let her know it...I play the game very well).

My little cousin, however, has always been a sweetie. She just recently got engaged (last week) and we made a huge fuss over her (as we have all our lives...We drove 4 hours to her college graduation with a toddler and an infant, and the list goes on). Anyway, my sister had a conversation with her and found out that she's having 8 bridesmaids...all of which are friends...no family.

My sister is so upset, but I'm not shocked at all. She keeps dwelling on the fact that she can't believe that our cousin didn't even consider us to be a part of this since we've always considered ourselves so close to her.

I think I finally got through to her yesterday when I said that she has a right to be sad. It hurts when you care about somebody so much and then you realize that it's not mutual. The unfortunate thing is that I realized this about my aunt years ago and my sister (who is 8 years my senior) is just realizing it now. To me, my aunt just seems incapable of relationships that go beyond superficiality and obviously she's raised her daughter to be the same type of person.

My mom and my sister were saying that we're the strange ones, that we're too close, that we shouldn't be bothered, but I beg to differ. I have lots of friends that value family; that have very meaningful relationships with their family members. My sister has a right to be sad because someone that she's always adored and to whom she's been so generous, emotionally and otherwise, doesn't even hold her in the same regard as a mere acquaintance. I feel badly for her.

Did I mention that this cousin was also in my wedding and is the godmother to my youngest son and my sister's only son? And we have a LOT of close cousins on the other side of the family, but she always made the "cut" in our eyes.

Furthermore, I said to my mother and sister, now that my grandmother is dead, they'll have no need for us. It was like my grandmother was the only bond that held us together. My cousin's decision to omit us from her wedding just makes that sad fact all the more evident.

I guess there's something to be said for not ever becoming emotionally involved with people. I guess if you never put yourself out there you never get hurt. But conversely, you deny yourself the joy of really caring for people and knowing what it's like to have someone really care for you.

The End
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