flash drives are for pansies

Apr 01, 2007 15:02


agrifiber board- a composive panel product derived from recovered agricultural waste fiber from sources including, but not limited to, cereal straw, sugarcane bagasse, sunflower husk, walnut shells, coconut husks, and agricultural purnings. The raw fibers are processed and mixed with resins to produce panel products with characteristics similar to those derived from wood fiber.

angle of maximum candela- the direction in which the luminaire emits the greatest luminous intensity.

bioremediation-the use of microorganisms and vegetation to remove contaminants from water and soils. Generally in-situ remediation, a viable alternative to landfilling or incineration

breathing zone- region in an occupied space between 3 and 6ft. above the floor and more than 2ft. from the walls or fixed air-conditioning equipment

building density- the floor area of the building divided by the total area of the site (sq. ft per acre)

comfort criteria- temperature (air, radiant, and surface), humidity and air speed as well as outdoor temperature design conditions, outdoor humidity design conditions, clothing and activity expected

ex-situ remediation- involves the removal of contaminated soil and groundwater. Treatment of the contaminated media occursin another location, typically a treatment facility. (usually pump-and-treat technology using carbon filters and incineration)

flat coatings- coatings that register a gloss of less than 15 on an 85 degree meter or less than 5 on a 60 degree meter.

fly ash- the solid residue derived from incineration processes. Fly ash can be used as a substitute for portland cemest in concrete.

footcandle- a unit of illuminance equal to one lumen of light falling on a one-square foot area from a one candela light source at a distance of one foot

greenfields- sites that have not been previously developed or graded and remain in a natural state

halons- substances used in fire suppression systems and fire extinguishers in buildings, they deplete the ozone layer

mixed-mode ventilation- a ventilation strategy that combines natural ventilation with mechanical ventilation, allowing the building to be ventilated either mechanically or naturally, and at times both simulataneously.

open-grid pavement- pavement that is less than 50% impervious and contains vegetation in the open cells

regionally extracted materials- must be assembled as a finished product with in a 500 mile radius of the project site

Solar Reflectance Index- a measure of a material's ability to reject solar heat, as shown by a small temperature rise, black is 0, white is 100. Materials with the highest SRI values are the coolest choices for paving

Tipping fees- fees charged by a landfill for disposal of waste, usually per ton

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) particles or flocs that are too small or light to be removed from stormwater via gravity settling. Suspended solid concentrations are typically removed via filtration

urea formaldehyde- used in some glues and may emit formaldehyde at room temp.

VOC's (volatile organic compounds) carbon compounds that participate in atmospheric photochemical reactions (excluding carbon monoxide/dioxide). The compounds become a gas at normal room temp.
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