Feb 25, 2007 18:29
If essays are madness and madness is genius, and i am doing an essay then I am genius.
If genius is emptiness and emptiness is related to ignorance and ignorance is blissful and I am a genius than I am, inescapably, bliss.
if knowledge is powerful and power is fleeting and to flee is akin to freedom to so many people, and freedom is unattainable because it doesn't exist, then I am unattainable, because I do not exist.
If the grass is always greener on the other side and we want what we do not have, then why the hell don't I want cancer or a weak mind? (Eew!) Maybe it's just our striving for perfection, it's the best things we want and the great things we have that we ignore, we cannot see our own feats or accomplishments, how far "ahead" of someone we are or behind them, because we are greedy. If greed is unavoidable, and perfection is unnatainable then why do we try so hard?
if someone is not allowed to ponder these stupid, silly questions out loud, unless they are stoned or brain-fried, then what kind of world is this? And why are friends so judgmental when they are supposed to be open and accepting? Why should I be mad at someone if they don't want to take a good chunk of the work they have to do? I don't either. So why do we take all this weight upon us?
Devotion is so beautiful. Why can't I find a career that I would be devoted to? It seems everything has the power to spoil, so quickly.
Postmodernist essays really, really, really bring out so much darkness and negativity. Why on earth does the world have to be so goddamn bleak?
What the fuck is the University’s Problem? Huh? Why can’t it give us a real break? Why can’t we have the opportunity to cash-in on a real fucking vacation? Huh? But no, not even any time for friends. Not even enough time to do work or celebrate my goddamn anniversary. Ugh. I fucking hate U of T’s fucking overwork your fucking student’s policy. WHAT- THE- HELL?