...ended up choosing eunhae icon, instead of tomayara... *runs away from rei-chan* xDD but..but..you can see big and beautiful tomayara on my header.... *pouts* xD
just read tomagoto vol185 translation by inseiko-chan ^0^ arigato^^
too adorable! tomayara are just tooooooooooo extreeemeeeely cute to be true! <33333! i want to see yara's laughing like a kid while reading manga xD let us just forget his stubborness and him getting motion sickness shall we? xD
ahem, plus everyone in grease team! ^^ ganbatte!!!
KazaPon, i read about your debut^^ congratulations <3!
......*goes to read fanblogs of eunhae...and the other super junior members lol*
EDIT: yeaayy..! just joined super junior community xD ...
1.fav member : LEE DONG HAE! ^-^
2. (BE HONEST) yes or no: i memorized all thirteen members' names : yes yes yes! haha
3. Only 13 or iLOVEhenry&zhoumi: i love super junior and all the subunits, so i'm ok with zhoumi + henry^^
4. how many pictures do you have of suju (you dont have to be exact): not so many but i have many pics and gifs of donghae xD
5. have you ever switched favorite members?(be specific who): yes. the first person i saw was donghae in attack on the pin-up boys but his character in the movie is slightly less cuter than heechul's (ops xD), so i liked heechul first. then only after i watched many PVs of suju + many episodes of full house, i fell in love with donghae for his awesomeness. but honestly, i love everyone in super junior! <3
6. cutest member: donghae! + sungmin^-^
7 hottest member: donghae!
(for eight they all need to be different and i know its hard but only one)
8a.member you would like to marry: siwon
8b. member you would like to date: hangkyung
8c. member you would like as a best friend: sungmin
8d.member you would like as a pet&what animal: donghae, a cute tiny bear xD
9.prettiest member: heechul
10.best singer: kyuhyun
numbers11~17 new by kehleejay
11.member you think deserves more love than they get: eunhyuk
12.member you think is most like yourself: siwon
13.member you find yourself jealous of all the time and why: kibum, pls don't ask me why lol
14.best dressed member: donghae <3
15.funniest member: kangin... + heechul + eunhyuk + donghae + leeteuk..err... xD
16.weirdest couple(between the members): kibum plus kangin? lol
17.OTP(between the members): kangteuk! <333! they're too sweet xD + eunhae as my second fave couple xD
p/s- i can't remember when was the last time i fell in love with chinese boyband songs.. maybe F4? xD been listening to chinese songs by super junior M, totally in love! lalala~ xD
take care everyone^-^ ciao <3