dear mr bush there are over 100 words for shit and only 1 word for music, fuck you, out hud-OUT HUD!

Nov 20, 2005 01:29

i have gotten deeper into my thinking as to why i am so upset right now ( Read more... )

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mydressisonfire November 21 2005, 05:27:56 UTC
i understand and actually like the IDEA behind school, but after a certain point school doesn't work, especially for rambuncious teenagers who can see past this "forceful athourtiy figure teacher" that i have never really had.
when i was little, every single movie i saw that showed high school teachers, they always showed them from the teenagers point of view, and they were mean, cruel, and the kids hated them, but (most) teachers aren't like that. these movies just depicted them like that because they didn't see any other reason that teenagers might not like school, so they made them and the highscool students and teenagers in movies are (or were) generalized as lazy and apethetic! because they knew that they could not get around "the system" so they endured it.
i won't endure it I WON'T IT'S NOT FAIR, and i won't accept it.
but i do understand why we have to learn basic english, and basic history, i see the point behind them, and its NOT so we can spell or memorize a bunch of names and dates, i understand and accept and LIKE that. but math? you don't even have an answer for that, no one does, THATS BECAUSE THERE IS NONE, maybe simple grade school math, and a little bit of middle school math, but not algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2 and so on ext, UNLESS the person is interested in the subject. Every person i run into who is taking math that is above and beyond what they are required hate it and its hard and incredibly time consuming and the only reason they do it is to go to a better college to get a better degree(or a better looking one) to get a better job to get more money! is out whole existence driven by money??? maybe, but i refuses to accept that MY personal drive to succeed is based on money. Language, i also agree and understand, but i don't think the right way to learn a language is to be cooped up in a classroom reading a text book, if we want to learn a language we should go to that country and learn it with people who know it and speak it everyday, yes i understand not every student has that kind of money, but maybe we should learn to speak our language by having a bunch of people who know it very well and grew up with it come to our class and discuss it and teach it. With the COMPLETE guidance of a standardized book! And I understand what you are saying about science, but at this point, when we are doing ENTIRE YEARS on a specific sort of science that is deemed “must be know by an average citizen to gain any sort of respect in the world” is ridiculous, I understand why we have to study biology, its because it has t do with us, and why we are, from a scientific perspective and not religious, but chemistry? Because knowing how to do an oxidation number or an electron configuration will NOT help me AT ALL in my lifetime, therefore I think we should be studying philosophy or a specific part of philosophy we are interested in not chemistry (even though I love ms. Scott and she makes chemistry almost tolerable)
Do you know why high school students don’t have time to work out outside of school???
Because school is solo time consuming and energy fleeting that by the time we get home after home work all we want to do is veg out behind the tv and go to sleep
Now, for those people who some how have a million extra curriculars and still sleep around 8 hours a night and aren’t going insane (weather it be gradually or all at once) and are reading this please please please tell me how you do it, because I would honestly like to know. (I don’t think they exist)


mydressisonfire November 21 2005, 05:28:43 UTC
I wasn’t complaining on how much college costs, I was commenting ( yes, in eryca land there is a slight difference) I know I could go to smc, and I could go to Harvard. But I have no interest in either and if I was intending to go to Harvard (or an other in-league school) I would have decided it by now. It’s not fully a comment about the cost, although I did mention it. Its more of a comment on the fat that our culture accept far more if you have a big fat expensive degree from Harvard, than a cheaper degree from a university no one has ever heard of with a 90% acceptance rate, or JUST going to smc, and not transferring (although I’m not sure they would let you, but really I have no fucking idea, so don’t take my word for it) at this point I am not complaining that I will probably only be able to go to smc, but that if I do people will be saying “it's not that bad! You’ll transfer into a great UC school in a couple years!!!” like they are trying to make me feel better. But if I had all A+’s in EVERYTHING and decided I didn’t want to go to college people would be like “that’s nice, maybe she is taking a year or two off” not “OH MY GOSH SHE IS THROWING HER LIFE AWAY” which is what EVERYONE would say if I decide not to go to community college (or a university) if/when I graduate from high school. What I was saying basically is that soo much is judged on grades and degree’s, most likely I could not be a journalist if I didn’t get a journalism major, unless of course I was an amazing writer and just blew everyone away with my magnificent writing that they would over look the fact I didn’t have a degree, in anything. But, I’m not counting on that.

What I was saying in that last quote was well, you know that person we ALWAYS make fun of for being so pretentious and cocky, well I was using him as an example, but I didn’t want to be a bitch by saying his name/ start anything online if he somehow saw it, but basically because he is so pretentious and ACTS like he knows everything and ACTS like he is really smart, but he basically has no self confidence, ya know? That’s why (most) cocky people are cocky, even though they come off as having SOOO much self confidence they really don’t because they feel the only way they will have self confidence is to pretend they have more than other people, that’s one of the MANY ways people deal with have low self-confidence. And I am going to be very honest here, and if anyone (besides Samantha) wants to use it against me in an argument feel free, I’ll fight you till the death and I’ll win, anyways I wear make-up because I am do not have enough self confidence to go out of my house without make-up on, and yeah that is how I deal with my lack of self confidence, I know, in other peoples eyes I look better and more real without make-up . and, btw, about all the factual stuff I said is not from my head I’m not making this stuff up there are books and books and books you could read about what people do when they have REALLY LOW self confidence, it is studied, I’m just re-writing in ways I speak, what I read, so I’m not trying to sound cocky or pretentious by saying “I am sooo deep that I can tell” That is NOT what I’m doing, so yeah.
And you, have WAY more self-confidence than most people, and most of the people I associate with do too.

I am not (trying) to be cynical. I’m just being honest about my perception of the world, and if it’s cynical than so be it.
And I do try and focus on the things I like, but when the things I am socially (as in out societal, not friends) forced to do cut into my “fun time” or literally cut OUT my “fun time” (which is what its doing right now) pisses me the fuck off( yeah you could make the point I was wasting my time complaining in stead of doing, but the few hours I had free today, I did not have the energy or mindset to be writing or laying out my zine.

And I don’t want to wait 2 and a half more years for me to do what I want, I don’t. and refuse to. I will not sit back and let evil manipulating cronies control what I do, ever

that took soooooooooooo f-ing long to write let me tell you, but it was worth it


mydressisonfire November 21 2005, 05:31:51 UTC
ooh note to everyone else reading this, DON"T hit the reply to, at either one of the sections of my response, b/c then it will get fucked up, i separted it into 3 comments because it was took long for 1 comment and then the same for two comments



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