Jul 05, 2011 01:14
I need to invest in a diary. I keep double booking myself, sometimes triple booking, I'm never this busy, not fair!
My lazy(ish) weekend is over and back into the full swing that is life tomorrow.
Working 10:15-3, then going to see Hamlet in the evening at the local manor will probably spend the time at home washing my car and doing very little!
Wednesday I get to do NOTHING. AKA I'll be sorting out my room in time for Josh's visit.
Thursday I'm going to London with Janine to stand around in the Sq to see if we can see any HP cast at the premiere then going to the MAAN stage door.
Friday I'm working all day.
Saturday Josh is coming to stay for the weekend, we're going to the tea rooms for lunch then to the comedy club in the evening.
Sunday we might be going riding then out to celebrate passing our second year with firm/high 2:1s, go us!
Monday we're going to London to go and see City Stereo, probably yo return Tuesday afteroon.
Wednesday I'm working.
Thursday it's back to London to go and see Anberlin with Josh and Amy to return home first thing friday to go and see HArry Potter with Mum, Jade and Tara.
Saturday I'm working from 10:30 all day then Sunday from 9:30 all day....
I then intend on throwing myself off the own bridge on the Monday... that or sleeping, I can't quite decide.
So chances are I'll be all of not here for the next two weeks!
My bed calls, gotta be at work in 9 hours.