(already posted on myspace...but still) :)

Jun 07, 2006 16:49

Here is what is going on: I want to be a dive master. Maybe have my own dive shop. This is why (even though it is the most boring job...ever...I like it--Working at Gulf Coast Scuba, that is.)

My manager, Tanner, is badass. He rocks. He is fun to talk to and understands how much of a FUCKING FAGGOT our boss, the store owner, Rodger is. We like to bitch about Rodger. It is fun.

So... the reason I have been cutting paper and popping bubbles is b/c there is nothign to do. The paper cutting is just some gay busy work that Rodger gave me to do. He HATES seeing his employees not doing anything. Which I can understand, but really... there isn't anything to do. I have already cleaned the store twice. Filled air tanks... there is nothing to do.

Okay, so Tanner is in Cozumel, having fun. Here I am at work, writing an e-mail, (Tanks are filling in the back room, I am jsut waiting for them to be done... so technically, I am doing something.) Rodger came in the back door not too long ago, as I was finishing up an e-mail. So, I quickly send it and he says:

Rodger: Why are you sitting down?!
Me: I am waiting for the tanks to fill up...
R: So you sit down!?!?!?!!!!!!! (note the !!! He seems mad...wtf.)
Me: uhm...
Me: Uhm... I was looking at something, just waiting for the tanks to get finished... (Note: You have to fill air tanks REALLY slow, or they get over heated. And over time, it wears down the cylinder...)
R: Give me a fucking break. Why do you send me idiots.
Me: (at this point, I am ready to punch him. He basically called me an idiot, to my face... twice.)
R: (he finishes filling up the tanks--which were done anyways... and he begins instructing me to fill a LARGE tub with water so he can fill up Nitrox tanks, which need to be kept cool, so he does it under the water)  **These tubs are 3 feet tall** "I feel the need to tell you this," (implying that I am stupid.) "...put the tub where it goes FIRST and THEN fill it up with water."
Me: I know. *gives go to hell look.*

Then he brings in the vaccum, cause I asked him for it b/c if not, he would yell at me that the store was dirty AGAIN. So, I am almost done vacuuming and a sherrif comes in. Rodger says something about my vaccuming being WOMAN'S WORK. Again, I gave him a go to hell look and helped the sherrif with the gear he was wnating to buy.

I hate my boss. He treats me like I am retarded. I want and need this job, but if he comes in here and bitches to me about something again, I am gonna smile, close the store with a note on the door saying "I don't like being called a fucking idiot. Tanner will be back in a week. Sorry for the inconvience." And never come back.

**This isn/t the first time he has pissed me off... he yelled at me IN FRONT OF AT LEAST customers that the glass counters were dirty (mind you, one customer was still in the process of leaning on it and getting it greasier.) and that I should "CLEAN THIS!!! *points frantically*" I do clean it before I leave, every fucking day. As well as take out HIS disgusting garbage, sweep and mop the store.**

If I had a store, I would at least be nice to my hired help.
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