Boredom and a dictionary gives me...
The bold stuff is what I like. I *really* like it if it's italicized. Feel free to comment and add your own!
Solace - comfort in grief
Alpenglow - a reddish glow seen near sunset or sunrise on the summits of mountains
Purely avarice - immoderate desire for wealth; cupididty
Solitary Solace
Chimerical - merely imaginary
Merely Imaginary
Descry - to catch sight of something difficult to discern
Pureblind - Already a band named Pureblind, though. :\
Sonorous - having or producing a full, deep, rich sound
Apothegm - a terse remark, conveying some truth
Anodyne - serving to relieve pain
Nostrum - a medicine whose effectiveness is unproved; a questionable remedy
Lumine - glow
Sui Generis - unique
Apostasy - desertion or departure from one's faith, principals, or party
Susurrus - a whispering or rustling sound
Crux - the essential point or feature
Vagary - an extravagant, erratic, or unpredictable notion, action, or occurrence
Morbid Romantic
Never After
Nascent - beginning to exist
Epicene - having the characteristics of both the male and the female
Nefarious - wicked in the extreme
Soulmatic - (variation of somatic ((Of, relating to, or affecting the body)))
Authorized Personel
Staea - *shrug* dunno, saw it in a word search and thought it was nice
Melange - a mixture
Please comment and let me know what you think!
(Or add a few names of your own!)