thEy aRe vEry wEll... bUt i Do Nt thINk sChoOl iS gOInG tO woRk foR tHeM... OppiE reFusEs tO uNdersTand wHy she caNt uSe hEr poWErs oN WhoEver tRieS tO buLly hEr bRoTher.
Some children just seem to work better in home-school environments. And when your child has talents, gifts like your children do? Perhaps they would flourish more with a personal teacher, one who knows and understands their gifts.
And yourself, Lady Del? How are you lately? Busy with your realm?
*grins* Yes, someone who knows you, and them, and can be kind but firm. Someone who won't be intimidated by the little tykes when they pull something.
I haven't seen Patch in a while, Lady. Haven't seen many from your realm at all, actually. But if I see him before you do? I'll tell him you're looking for him if you'd like.
((*hugs* So great to have you back! I must sleeeeep now - it's after 5 in the morning. Continue this later?))
noding iM noT woRriEd, iT juSt ocCcurED to Me... i DOnT notIce tIme mUch So... i doNt knoW hOw lOng sinCe i SaW hiM...
((sure thing... should post for jack soon also. gonna try and get a little bit active agin, though i don't know how long, when I move, before I have interets again... but still... ))
I had noticed that time travels differently in your realm Lady Del. I'm sure it will be fine however.
((And that's awesome. Won't deny that I missed the pups, but I'm very glad things are working out for you in rl. *hugs* And face it, Delirium needs no time card. If she were predictable, she wouldn't be who she is *grin*))
*tilts head to the side* And your children? How are they?
And yourself, Lady Del? How are you lately? Busy with your realm?
i aM wEll... i seEm tO hAvE misPlaCed PatCh giggling softly he wiLl tUrN uP eVentUAlly
I haven't seen Patch in a while, Lady. Haven't seen many from your realm at all, actually. But if I see him before you do? I'll tell him you're looking for him if you'd like.
((*hugs* So great to have you back! I must sleeeeep now - it's after 5 in the morning. Continue this later?))
((sure thing... should post for jack soon also. gonna try and get a little bit active agin, though i don't know how long, when I move, before I have interets again... but still... ))
((And that's awesome. Won't deny that I missed the pups, but I'm very glad things are working out for you in rl. *hugs* And face it, Delirium needs no time card. If she were predictable, she wouldn't be who she is *grin*))
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