(tm make-up) WRite about a time you mocked somebody

Feb 24, 2006 14:00

[Delirium, Neil Gaiman's Sandman, Veritgo comics. 956 words]

“What do you want from me?” The man had his arms thrown wide open, his head back, staring and screaming up into the sky. His clothes were ragged, his shoes mismatched, his face was dirty… but his nails had been manicured within the last few weeks. There was a glint in his eye that might be mistaken for madness, by the amateur.

Delirium stepped out from behind a signpost and ambled over to the man, poking him in the chest. wHaT dO yOu wAnT fROm mE? her tone was harsh, whiny, an octave lower than his. She stood with her feet planted apart, one hand on her hip, eyes flashing with anger.

He fell back a step as he stared at her, making no effort to disguise his shock and fear. “Where did you come from?”

yOu caLLeD mE fOrtH… one eyebrow raised

He recovered quickly, a sly glance at the building that belonged to the lawn they were standing on. “She sent you, didn’t she?”

i SenT mE. dIdNt yOu wAnt To PlAy? advancing a step, poking him again.

"Are you the faerie queen?" he put on a childish look of glee and clapped his hands together, one eye shifting to the guards who were cautiously approaching.

nO. tHaT iS TitAniA. ShE doEsnT viSit thIs REalM foR tRaSh liKE yOu. another poke

"OW!" a look of rage on his face as he slapped her hand away.

This time she used both hands, planting them against his chest and shoving him to the ground

The man looked nauseus, the sense of vertigo had lasted far too long, he was extremely disoriented. He closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again... everything was wrong.

The building behind them looked larger, menacing somehow. The grass was orange and blue instead of green. The sky above was red and purple. The woman standing over him was much paler, and somehow much brighter than before. "What are you?"

i aM thAT whIch yOu iNvokEd. i Am DeliRium. i Am tHaT wHich yOur WiFE tUrnED tO, tHe thInG thAt hElpeD hEr EscAPe yOu. dO yOu kNow hOw PaTHetiC yOu Are thAt tHe WomAN wHo suPpoSEdlY loVed yOu wEnT cRAzY juSt to Get aWAy fROm YoU? yOu HelPeD oF couRSe, wiTh tHe bEatIngS, sMotHeriNg tHe bABy, tAkiNg aWAy EverTYhinG thAt wOuLd uSe uP hEr tImE oR aFFecTioN...

"No, she killed Tabitha.. She was found guilty and incarcerated here..." The sign behind them said HOME FOR THE CRIMINALLY INSANE AND CRAZY FOLKS, he was pretty sure that's not what it said before, but it was fairly true. "Besides, there's no proof."

Delirium smiled a vicious smile that would frighten anyone who actually knew her. thEre wiLl bE prOOf. yOu aRe gOinG tO coNFess. EmIlY iS gOinG tO gEt bEttEr. YOu wILl bE loCkeD iNto PriSon fOr tHE rESt oF yOur LiFe aNd iF yOu eVer tRy To EScaPe, yOu wiLl eNd Up hEre aS mY pLaytHing.

"Fuck you."

she giggled yOu wiLl coNfESs aLl oF yOur siNs.

A woman appeared, glancing around momentarily before her eyes settled on Delirium and she ran over for a hug. The look of joy fell away as she noticed the man cowering on the grass. like a snake in the grass, full of poison, full of venom, kills everything that matters, you've come to take her from me haven't you? Well you can't, you can't have her, she's more powerful than anything you could dream of. she could boil you in oil where you lay, just by wanting to. she could flay you alive with her thoughts. stay away from me you bastard. She lashed out with a kick to his head, caught his shoulder instead if you ever come near me again she will kill you. or i will.

The man cowered at his wife's feet, his eyes locked onto those mismatched orbs looming above him. "I did it, I killed Tabitha. I killed princess the puppy, sheba the cat. I embezzled over $25,000 from the firm, I've been having an affair for the last four years, when she got pregnant I beat her until she miscarried." he tried to cover his mouth, but the truth kept spilling out, his head filled with every misdeed he had perpetrated, right down to the first piece of candy he stole when he was three years old... He closed his eyes tightly, trying to deny it all.

When he found himself being roughly picked up, shoved into the straight jacket, he looked into the eyes of an asylum guard. "I came here pretending to be crazy so that I could get inside and kill my wife before she could convince anyone of the truth, that I'm the one who really killed our daughter. I was going to burn the place down afterward and release as many of the crazies as I could, so they would never be sure if it was me or one of them who did it. I have a weapon stuffed up my--"

The man's words were cut off as a guard put tape over his mouth. "Save it for the cops, they'll be here soon."

The second guard nodded to the woman on the lawn "Thanks for the tip, how did you know?"

She smiled. EmiLy is an Old frIenD of miNe... i fOllowEd hiM hEre...

"It was a brave thing you did. Dangerous, he could have hurt you."

she shrugged, smiled again. i Do whAt i hAve tO... soMeoNe hAs tO loOk afTer thE loSt oNes...

The prisoner struggled briefly, screaming beneath the tape. When the guard looked up again she was gone, and he had the vague impression that she had meant to compliment him just then. Odd.

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