Del stood off to one side and watched the results of her handiwork. When the girl came to her, she was bitter, broken hearted, hurt… a little bit lost, but the anger was what kept her from slipping into Del’s realm. Maybe they would never have met, the girl was so strong and self-focused, if not for that tiny… tiny little detail…
They got close, Del comforted the girl, explained that the boy had changed into a man… In only two years, so much more stable, so much better a person than the one who had caused so much pain and heartbreak.
One night the girl slipped into Del’s realm… accidentally on purpose, under the effects of alcohol, and a certain hopeful desire to see the entity that had become a friend. She was in tears, maudlin drunk as well as fighting her own desires… and when they kissed, it was an innocent thing…
An innocent kiss that Del had to force herself to break away from. Del was pregnant, engaged to the father of her soon to be born twins, had never dabbled in sex until a few months before… much less bisexuality… Yet when the kiss happened, she couldn’t help but respond… and it took all of her willpower to keep from begging for the moment to go further, to experience more… to be made love to…
She couldn’t do that to him, though… Considering the deal she had made with her sister, Didi… she couldn’t just go with the next person who came along that made her blood sing, no matter how beautiful and wonderful the girl in question might be… There were ways, things to be done…
The girl was afraid, but she took courage… Gathered up her strength and faced her old love, the man she still loved so deeply that she had found her way into a completely different reality to see him again.
So Del brought them together, face to face… There was no scene, just words… and tears… They were genuinely happy to see each other, even with the baggage that lay piled in between them… and Del was happy to see them happy together… Even happier when she realized that she’d been right… not only did the girl love him, he still loved her.
At any other time, this would have been Del’s moment to bow out, and leave the happy couple together… The problem was, the man in question was her own beloved… and the girl she knew she had feelings that might be love, if given the chance… and it would have made her so happy to think that the hope she had been secretly harboring… that the girl could join them in the relationship… if not for a slip of the tongue.
“Half of it was you were legitimately brain damaged! Look at you, you were romancing the essence of madness!”
And suddenly Del began to doubt, to wonder if she was falling for a girl who was only using her to get to her fiancé… If she had let things happen, expecting a happy ending, only to be manipulated by a simple human…
They were so happy to see each other, under all the angst… That if Del disappeared completely… They would have each other still…
For the first time Del regretted the deal she’d made with her sister, Death… to make Patch immortal so that they could always be together. More than that, she regretted agreeing to the clause that he could never know the consequences… That if he left her, he would die…
Most of all she regretted bring these two together, because she felt left out… Alone…