Maya || Dewprism | Vatheon Application

Feb 23, 2011 17:51

[ Player Name ] : Cat
[ Personal LJ ] : cheshire_chu
[ Age ] : 500,000,018
[ Timezone ] : EST
[ Other Characters ] :
busagi | Pandora Hearts
x_tinman | Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
permalineface | Ouran High School Host Club

[ Character's Name ] : Princess Maya
[ Character's Age ] : Mid-Late teens
[ Series ] : Dewprism (Threads of Fate)
[ Canon Point ] : Residing temporarily at Fancy Mel's Alter and awaiting Mint's return from Valen's fortress.

[ History ] :

A basic description of the game can be found here.

Maya is the second born daughter and princess of East Heaven Kingdom. She and Mint together with their father make up the royal family. Because she is the younger of the two siblings this places Mint as the rightful heir to the thrown. Despite of this it is revealed at the beginning of Mint's storyline that Maya has been chosen to rule. She confronts her elder sister in the dining room where Mint is seen to be lavishing in her family's wealth and the large banquet of food set out before her. The news of Maya's succession to the thrown rains down on Mint's parade and causes the two to fight. Despite being the younger sibling, Maya talks down to Mint and proceeds to point out all her flaws and how she is unfit to rule their Kingdom. Angered and unwilling to relinquish her promised title Mint challenges Maya by whipping out her magic in order to take back the thrown by force. However, Mint's magical power does not stand a chance against Maya's newly acquired Book of Cosmos, East Heaven's strongest Aeon relic. After overpowering her elder sister Maya then proceeds to create a hoard of pumpkins, knowing that Mint has phobia of them, and has them chase off the elder princess.

Consequently Mint runs away from home in order to find a relic of her own more powerful than Maya's book of cosmos so that she can defeat her sister and reclaim the thrown. The plan is simple enough, however, finding a relic is not so easy and it takes Mint over 2 years to complete. During this time Maya takes over the kingdom in Mint's absence.

At one point during Mint's journey she must collaborate with a magician named Fancy Mel. Mel remarks that as ruler of East Heaven Kingdom Maya is revered by her people for her kind and graceful nature. This is a conflicting statement to what we are lead to believe in the beginning about Maya's personality. As far as we know Maya is the snobby younger sister who kicks Mint out and deserves to be hated for her brash and seemingly unfair actions. These accusations are in fact false and are caused by the nature of that single circumstance and our natural sympathy for Mint's character who has been deprived of something rightfully hers.

If you were to put yourself in Maya's shoes instead you would in fact see things quite differently. Maya as the younger sister could never hope to rule despite the fact she truly was better suited. As the elder sibling Mint had no worries for her future through out her entire life up until the point where the game begins. Because everything was handed to her on a silver platter she quickly grew spoiled rotten. She bossed others around with an extremely obnoxious nature. She took her riches and power for granted and never upheld to any of her responsibilities growing up. Mint didn't care for her studies, her kingdom, her family and to top it all off she was an overwhelming glutton. Imagine having to sit back and accept the fact that someone so ill-mannered was next to rule your kingdom, and you as the younger more refined sister could do nothing about it. Maya, as Mint's complete opposite, was polite to others, dedicated herself to her studies and prioritized the good of the kingdom before her own selfish wants and needs. Maya truly felt that the kingdom would crumble under Mint's rule and that she was better suited to maintaining such an important role. So when offered the chance to obtain the status of Queen and teach her sister a lesson she jumped at the chance. It was truly time to show Mint that just because your born with the right to rule, doesn't mean it's rightfully yours. She wanted to show Mint that her behavior was unacceptable and deserved harsh consequences for her unfavorable actions.

We next see Maya when she appears at the lake ruins in order to prevent Mint, or Rue depending on which storyline the player has chosen, from releasing the seal to Valen's relic. She declares it is East Heavens duty to protect the seal from ever being broken in order to prevent the relic from existing in this world and falling into the wrong hands. As Valen's relic is the most powerful in existence as has the power to potentially destroy the world. Accompanying Maya on this visit is her royal adviser Doll master and his loyal subject Psycho master. With their help she prevents Mint/Rue from braking the seal. Then in order to reassure that they can not attempt to once again brake the seal in the future Doll Master advises Maya to use the Book of cosmos to create an intricate fortress around the ruins to ensure that no one can come within a close proximity of the seal without going past them first. Maya complies out of belief it is her rightful duty to protect the seal, thus protecting the world from the possibility of destruction at the hands of whomever obtains Valen's relic. Little does she know that by doing so she's setting the stage for Doll Master's own dark intentions.

Through out the game Doll Master quietly strings Maya along like a puppet by manipulating her judgment and choices as Queen in order to secretly benefit his own private search for Valen's relic. As it turns out Doll Master is the one who arranged Maya's succession to the thrown in order to boot Mint out of the picture because he viewed the audacious girl as a threat. He knew that if Mint were to rule he would be unable to manipulate her position for his own personal gain.

Depending on which protagonist the player has chosen (Mint or Rue) Maya's next appearance varies. I'm going to be following Mint's story line so the next time we see her there is at the newly created fortress named the Tower of Maya. Mint had been captured and thrown into the dungeon. When she awakens she is confronted with her younger sister though something appears to be a bit off. Maya tells Mint she will obtain Valen's relic and use it to rule the world (Mint's initial plan). This contradicts everything the girl stands for as well as her previous statements of wanting to prevent the relic from ever being found. Meanwhile Doll Master confronts the nearby town Carona and warns the townspeople that if they don't hand over Prima Doll, then princess Maya will issue severe consequences that will affect the entire town.

Mint is later rescued by Rue and together they escape the tower. The two return to town only to find that there are strange puppet like creatures attacking the townspeople as one of Maya's consequences they were warned about for not handing over Prima doll. After you save the townspeople you return to find that Doll Master as well as his minions have stormed the city and take Prima Doll by force.

After she's had enough time to recover, Mint returns to Maya's tower in search of Prima Doll and battles her way to the very top where she finds Maya. Here she battles her younger sister and we get our second glimpse at the Book of Cosmos power. Maya uses her book to form magic attacks as well as transform Mint into a pumpkin that she likes to kick. However at the end of the battle we learn that this actually wasn't Maya at all and was in fact an impostor with the ability to change shape; Mode Master. Mode Master is another one of Doll Master's loyal servants capable of taking on the appearance of someone else. (Which also explains the earlier event at the dungeon where Maya speaks out of character about obtaining Valen's relic for herself.)

As it turns out the real Maya was over thrown by Doll Master for placing a damper on his plans. Doll master confronted Maya in an attempt to sway her sense of justice with greed. He spoke of how they should use the Prima Doll to release the seal and gain the relic for their own selfish use. Maya flat out refused such ridiculous ideas and warned Doll Master never to speak of it again. This caused Doll Master to resort to his back up plan; where he cuts Maya herself out of the picture and take matters into his own hands.

After the reveal in the tower Mode Master runs off with Mint in hot pursuit. When the warrior princess finally catches up to her at the dungeons we find ourselves face to face with two Maya's, one being the real princess and the other the counterfeit. Mint must then talk to both persona's before deciding which is the real Maya (Which turns out to be anyone's guess since the information gathered doesn't really give you any clues at all. :|). Regardless of which one you pick Mode Master will be discovered and eventually the sisters beat her up before leaving the tower and returning to Carona. Though previously damage had been inflicted on the town under Maya's name by Doll Master. So needless to say the towns people weren't very happy with the princess and as such it wasn't safe for Maya to remain in Carona. With no place to go and no one else to turn to Maya must rely on her snobby sister for help and a place to stay. Mint tells her she knows just the place and escorts her to Fancy Mel's alter. This is a sort of payback in it's own way because Fancy Mel's alter is very head ache educing with its bright pink colors and ridiculous "candy land" like themes.

At this time Doll Master has possession of Prima Doll and uses him to brake the seal which causes a fortress to appear in the sky. Inside said fortress is where Valen's relic is located. However, Mint can not fly, and has no means to get herself to the fortress alone. She must rely on friends she has met along the way to get her there, one in particular named Rod. Rod has a ship capable of flying but needs more materials. While gathering the materials Mint makes her way back to Fancy Mel's alter where we encounter Maya once again. Maya then resumes to attempt to talk her sister out of her decision to obtain the relic, restating the possible devastating effects. In the end Mint's decision is not swayed and Maya eventually gives in and supports her sister. Afterwords she is left to wait with Fancy Mel for her sisters return and hopefully her success in defeating the conniving master mind; Doll Master.

This will be the point I am taking Maya from for Vatheon.

[ Personality ] :

Despite having the persona of a rich and spoiled princess, Maya is actually quite level headed. She is in fact wiser than someone of her age should be in certain aspects. Even at such a young age she was able to boot her elder sister out of line for the thrown and take charge herself. Her father the king, and the East Heaven Counsel decreed Maya to as more fit to rule because of her wiser, calmer and overall queenly nature. She manages to run the kingdom pretty much on her own with little help from others for the 2 years after Mint's disappearance. Even so she is still quite naive to the ways of the world and as thus she is easily manipulated. This plays a large roll throughout the game as we discover she was being manipulated by her royal adviser; Doll Master.

Unlike her elder sister who is known for being Obnoxious, foul mouthed and violent, Maya is quite the opposite. She is well poised, polite, and avoids violence when possible. She feels it is truly her duty to protect and rule East Heaven Kingdom and believes she is better suited than her hot-headed sister. When offered the position she accepts which is a big wound to her elder sisters pride. Maya seems to over look this and act somewhat coldly to her sister while delivering the news. I believe this is because she feels as though Mint takes too much for granted and deserves to be "put in her place" so to speak.

Maya also has a large sense of justice. She acts for her people and the well being of her kingdom. She believes in fair treatment for all and as such; just rewards for those who strive above and beyond, as well as strict punishment to those who misbehave. She handles situations with a firm yet gentle hand and wishes for nothing more than peace and prosperity for her kingdom. Because of her holding the position of ruler/princess/royalty she has a bit of a superiority complex. So she may talk down to you should your actions come off as rude or childish. She will not act against her better judgment and even her own family members are not exempt from this. When she discovers that someone has tried to break the seal of Valen's relic she wastes no time and steps in to prevent this from happening. Even when it turns out to be her own sister that is involved, her judgment does not waver and she refuses to change her mind on the matter. She must live up to her duty as queen of East Heaven by preventing anyone from ever possessing Valen's relic. She is fully aware of the possible catastrophe that would befall the world should the relic fall into the wrong hands and she would never allow such a thing to happen as long as she has a say in it.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :

Maya has great knowledge of magical artifacts and the special powers they maintain. It's implied that unlike her sister Mint, she actually focused on her private studies and learned in detail about proper magic. Though she is not as skilled with magic as her elder sister. In fact the only reason Maya is more powerful than Mint at the beginning of the game is because she possesses the Book of Cosmos. With said Artifact Maya has next to unlimited power. On the flip side Maya is quite helpless without her book. She's left defenseless with no magical abilities if you remove the book of cosmos from her possession.

[ Other Important Facts ] :

The Book of Cosmos appearance resembles that of an intricately designed shield more than it does an actual book. It's round and has a crescent cut on the bottom where you would grip to hold it. I also believe it doesn't open like a book does, either. During some scenes the book has been thrown/tossed through the air and landed without opening or revealing that it has pages within it. Another thing about the relic is that inside of it, in a separate dimension, exists the Aeon who created it or more accurately his soul. The Aeon's presence is not really all that important for the basic use of the book. The fact is his presence there merely exists more for story line development when the player chooses to play out Rue's story. So since I am pulling Maya from Mint's story she will remain unaware of the Aeon's presence inside the relic.

I also figure the relic has its own limits though they aren't specified in the game. However, in Rue's story his unique power manages to defeat the book so it's apparently not invincible and I'll be sure to keep restrictions on it in Vatheon.

[ Sample ] :

My goodness! I simply can not allow such ridiculous antics to continue any longer. As ruler of East Heaven Kingdom I order you to cease all acts of misconduct towards the crown as well as your fellow townspeople.

[A frown. Someone is not pleased in the least and it's evident in her tone of voice that she isn't fooling around.]

Have you no shame? Do you not recognize the wretched consequences of your actions? Well then, allow me to elaborate. With the crimes you have committed you not only embarrass yourself but the entire kingdom as well! Your attempts to fuel conflict with neighboring kingdoms have not gone unnoticed. [A beat. her features softening a bit.] I myself am personally disappointed in your poor judgment. You have a successful business with a loving family at home who support you. How do you think they would feel upon discovering your treasonous actions?

[This person deserves to be locked away. But knowing that he is the only working provider for his family, they wouldn't be able to carry on without his presence. That idea doesn't sit well with this princess.]

Take this as a warning to you and all of your accomplices involved with the incident at hand. Should these inexcusable incidents continue there will be fierce punishment to follow and all involved will be brought to justice. I am going to let you off with this warning as well as temporary watch by my subordinates. Any move you make, I shall be aware of from here on out. [A pause. Possibly for dramatic effect.] Should you choose to disobey me again, I will show you no mercy.

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] :
Please let me know if you want certain restrictions on Maya's Book of Cosmos. Otherwise I'll just use common sense like the fact the book can't transport her out of Vatheon, can't hurt the coral, etc.

vatheon, !app

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