Feb 08, 2007 23:58
the weight of waiting seems to be too heavy for this poorly constructed, underdeveloped, foundationless frame of a body, which was created using faulty blue prints based on miscalculated angles, backwards mathematical equations, and inaccurate dimensions. this is no pantheon, this is no parthenon, this is no colluseum, and this is no hagia sophia. this frame of a body is crumbling faster than the bay bridge during the 7.0, enormous fire causing, disaster of catastrophic proportions mess that was the San Fransisco earth quake. this is my self-destruction. and this one is off the scale. i'm cracking under pressure like ashley simpson's voice. my walls are falling faster than jericho's when the trumpets sounded. the rock of my foundation is turning to sand quicker than the grains are dropping inside the hour glass. my reinforcements are collapsing like the tower of babel's when god crushed it with languages. the flood gates opened, the rain came pouring, and there is no ark in sight. noah, you've failed me. these seas aren't red and they sure as hell aren't parting. moses, you've failed me. this body is dead and it needs to be resurrected. god, help me.