This has officially been the most i n s a n e summer i've ever had.
its just like the movies. filled with excitement, suspense,drama,laughter and so on and so fourth. too bad i dont like watching them.
i really love this boy.
i didnt realize how much i cared for him even though everyone else did. i'm always the last to figure these things out.
here's a fucked up story for everone to read;
i waited and waited for him. he waited for me. certain ppl would fill little things in my head. i dunno how but they broke me and i listened to someone that wasnt even my immediate friend. they told me he moved on and that it was time i did the same. i told myself i would so i blew everything and right after i told myself 'fuck it'and then i got a boyfriend about 2 minutes later.can anyone guess who?
lol yeah well its ruben. well then the next day in the morning i talked with this guy and told him what i did. then he told me he was coming back.
and you know what? he did.
so then i had a problem,i was "in a relationship"
in my head i was like fuckfuckfuck!!!
but then when i saw ruben at work i juss broke it off. he got pissed the fuck off but i blame myself entirely for least i was honest and told him what was going on.
he didnt wanna break up with me, and he told me he still liked me alot anyway but i just couldnt use a guy like that[even though i kinda did already].
even if it was for less than a week, it was the best of my summer.seriously.
wow if i could go into detail. it would be like __________ kind of stuff. but i'll just keep it to myself.
only lidia knows lol cuz we called her just cuz shes one of my best buds and we had nothing better to do =] and no im not telling anyone else, unless its syka but thats about it
i <3 spooky
Summer's kinda almost over. i cant belive that shit man. my paycheck dissapears within the same day of getting it cuz i give it away.i dont care much for money but i'd only give it to ppl that really need it,like my momma, or to treat a good friend of mine but thats about it
i've been getting out. alot. and i'd get home awfully late. my mom complains and calls a gazillion times on the phone. i just ignore the calls after a while because when i get home she acts like she was cool with everything the whole time.
i will be going to get my lip pierced next week because ima have 3 days off.
well depends.its either that or convince my grandma to take me to PSL. i thik i can get her to let me go, maybe.hopefully. i dunno lol w/e we'll see how that goes.