Jan 28, 2002 12:09
ok so disregard my past entry, i cannot be mad at logan man she is my best friend and i love her soo much. tonight i went to the cobalt with her and nicole. it was great. i saw ryan shaggy and gerren.yeh and shaughn.. he was being all cute and stuff it made me smile. but nothing happened.argh.i wish it did.but next time. yeh and i had to leave early cuz my damn dad picked me up early with my uncles car and it was all smelly like smoke..grr.but i was thinking good things on the way home. well i talked to shaughn for a while and oh man <3 <3 <3
k its 11:45 and chris is already here. haha sinse this comp is in the guest room i can see who drives up the driveway and as soon as lucy started barking i looked out the window and saw his nice ass blue yukon. so yep i was like aw man and now he is on the bed playing snake and im makin a CD for him in my jammies. haha i dont care cuz he such my brother times 500000. so im going to the outlet stores with my mom grandma and aunt. be back later