Girl on Who Is Going to Really Impressive Lengths to Impersonate Me, and, Going by the Journal, Has Been Doing So For About Two Years and I Only Just Found Out Due to a Coincidental Google Search (not even on myself, on a name in one of the fanfic stories she cut 'n' pasted):
What the fucking fuck.
If you're going to pretend to be me, at least don't use my angst-ridden poetry from 10+ years ago, because that shit is just embarrassing. Also, have better taste in music.
Creeped Out & Peeking Out Her Window For Suspicious Shadows,
Catriona, formerly Twi.
visioluxus, she took a few of your posts as well.
*edit* Busted! The user linked above no longer exists.
Google cache,
cache of some of the journal entries from a friend's page, and
screenshot of the top of the main profile page for the curious.