Free-for-All discussion: comments may contain spoilers

Jan 16, 2007 12:33

We'd like to keep the comments to vivian's entries in-character as much as possible; it's more fun that way, and more "real" for those playing along.

So we're creating this entry for you to discuss whatever you want (within topic of Blood & Chocolate, of course). Whether it's your guesses of the plot of the movie based on what you've seen in the trailers, your thoughts of the characters in the book vs. their counterparts in the movie, or anything else, this entry is the place for it.

Some of your comments have remained screened (in vivian's entries) because they contain spoilers. Spoilers for the book, yes, but nevertheless they are still spoilers. There are people who have not read the book who may want to, and as common courtesy, we'd like to keep them from accidentally reading spoilers they may not want to see.

However, this post is a free-for-all, so if you'd like to repost those here, you're more than welcome to do so. That said, warning to anyone who doesn't want to see spoilers: comments to this post may contain spoilers, so don't look if you don't want to risk coming across any.

ETA: Please keep in mind that this community is mostly maintained by a couple of LJ staff members (with vivian jointly played by a LJ volunteer). We don't have all the answers for you; we don't know why the things that have been changed from the book have been changed, nor can we change it. The movie has been made, and we're only helping the marketing agency run the sponsored community that is promoting it. (I don't even think that they know the answers either.) vivian's fictional entries follow along with the movie storyline because that is what this community is based on. Regardless of how you feel towards the changes in the movie version, we hope that you're having fun interacting with vivian :)

free-for-all discussion, ooc
