*And around sunset he jogs to their usual meeting spot by the lake. Since she said library at first, he's assuming this isn't just a last minute swimming trip, so he just kicks his duster tail back and sits down against a tree, leaning his cowboy hat back so he'll be able to see when she shows up.*
[Surprisingly, she's going to be showing up about half an hour after him today, a book in hand, and though the sun has yet to completely set, it's still quite unusual for her to not show up either before sunset or at the exact moment that sunset begins. But today she's a bit off, and it's showing in her features a little bit.]
*He's flipping a coin and starting to look worried when she finally shows up, but relaxes when he sees her and pockets the coin, hopping to his feet and dusting himself off.* Looks like it. What's that book?
I'm serious. And that woman on the cover is Donna Noble. She's kind of like...my mum. Well, not by blood, but...you know what I mean. There's a whole bunch of these books in the library.
I suppose this is just a bit strange for me. Never thought I'd find a book about dad.
I don't think these are the types of books you really have to read in order. But if you plan to read them, don't check them all out at once. I want to see if I can learn anything from dad's travels first.
Alright. Mind if I borrow this one? *He's turning the book over to look at the blurb on the back, the same eager look in his eyes he always has when he gets his hands on a new book.*
Don't worry, I will. You'll probably have it your hands by some time tomorrow if I read through the night. I probably won't be able to sleep for a couple nights anyway since I slept last night.
*And around sunset he jogs to their usual meeting spot by the lake. Since she said library at first, he's assuming this isn't just a last minute swimming trip, so he just kicks his duster tail back and sits down against a tree, leaning his cowboy hat back so he'll be able to see when she shows up.*
Sorry I'm late. I got a bit...distracted.
A book I found by accident in the library. It's not what I suppose I was expecting to find, but...it surprised me to see something like this in there.
[She holds it out for Jr. to get a better look at it. The title of the book is 'Doctor Who: Beautiful Chaos' and it's obviously a Sci-fi type book.]
I suppose this is just a bit strange for me. Never thought I'd find a book about dad.
Don't worry, I will. You'll probably have it your hands by some time tomorrow if I read through the night. I probably won't be able to sleep for a couple nights anyway since I slept last night.
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