Jul 10, 2006 22:00
where in the world will we hide when the next world war presents itself on our doorsteps will we survive, will we stand up and fight for what we believe in? are we already laying down and taking the whip to our backs. Who's fields do I plow, and who mouths does my labors feed.
Finding reason in rationality is scarce and uncommon. Rationality = doubt. there for I'm a rationalizing machine, but what does a rationalizing mahcine produce?
....thinking a lot of late on many fronts. At work today we heard that at one of the other properties when they were checking out rooms one of the maids found the body of someone who had attempted suicided, he was barley alive, but he made it to the hospital and they saved him. The GM of our properity and another person and I started talking about it, and it lead to a very deep conversation, and I noticed that I was drinking up the conversation. I've missed deep thoughts and people who are willing to set aside the everyday crap and truly let their mind wonder down the path that has no anwears......