I feel so much better than last night

May 08, 2007 23:00

...not that that's all that hard.

I had my court date for my stupid!city!that!can't!put!up!clear!signs ticket, and it turns out that I can't contest the signs unless I go to trial, so I now have a trial date in June. Aside from the fact that I was on the whole accused side of the law, it was quite interesting to see how the process works. My favorite part was when they had the Spanish-speaking people and the interpreter. It was kind of a "how many cognates can I determine the meaning of" game. I'm a dork.

Ben's team won their game today. *happy dances around the room* It was supposed to be yesterday, but we had a snowstorm on Sunday night which left standing water on the field, so they couldn't play yesterday. But, they won today in a really tight game, so we're on to the state playoffs! They begin Friday morning. Be there, aloha. Also, they're the last Colorado Springs team in the playoffs, so they're getting TONS of press coverage. Voila an article about the games on Saturday featuring many a quote from a certain brother of mine. Though in the interest of full disclosure, he wasn't staring into the rain so much as coming inside to look for Jeff so we could be on our way home. Poetic license is a beautiful thing.

Apparently Beethoven liked his coffee 60 beans/cup. No wonder the man was so darn prolific - half of the chords he wrote were probably just from his shaking hands!

edits: (because I must write these things down when they come along)
--what is it with British guys and turtlenecks? *happy shivers*
--my dad is a total geek: see his bracket with contingency plans for every possible way this double elimination tournament will work out (...and I love the fact that he did it)
--my dad makes fantastic smoothies
--why are books so addicting? I've re-made my annual discovery of the joys of reading thrillers late into summer nights. *rolls eyes at self, then hops off to go read another before bed* I'm hopeless.

shameless promotion, dad, take me out to the ballgame, food is delicious, ben, weather

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