When pithy summaries of the day fail me

May 03, 2007 23:17

I don't know how we've managed to get all this fog this week. The nearest large body of water is the Great Salt Lake, and there are these small hills in the way of that.

I love it when my brothers get sleep. Tonight it was the Jefster, and he's a barrel of chuckles when he actually is rested. When he got home from school, he was kind enough to help me get pictures of the road where I got my traffic ticket, so I can show the court that there was no sign to indicate that I was back in a school zone. I hope they cut me a break.

And after dinner, Jefe and I jumped on the trampoline together. He gets a kick out of how my hair goes beserk and collects static. He also gets a kick out of how easy it is for him to bounce me, but how hard it is for me to bounce him. I just tell him that I'm proving all laws of physics and force. Little people don't bounce moosen well. This made him mention how much he wants to meet my roommates. I think he's starting to doubt that fully-grown people under 5'4" actually exist. How sheltered a life he leads.

I started looking at the narration for our musical. Gee, I hope the director lets me change some of the lines because they sound soooooooooo forced. The problem is, she wrote all the narration. But come on, if we've just sung "Seize the Day" they don't need me to say any "Seize the Day" speech. It's stupid. But I don't think I'll couch it in quite those terms. It'll be my tact training for the UN.

I get to sleep in tomorrow. The gods are smiling on me. I was told, "If you desperately want to go the DMV tomorrow, we can pull it off." I told Dad that I don't think I have ever or will ever desperately want to enter the 6th circle of hell that is the DMV. Plus, if the options are, "Wake up at 5:45 so you can drive people places so you can have a car to go spend 2 hours waiting in line at the DMV," or "Sleep in and just leave the DMV for Monday at a much more reasonable hour," I think the choice made itself.

I have christened Ben's best friend my evil homonym. Do you suppose I could re-christen her my diabolical doppelganger? Evil is expressed so much better in German.

I went to the libary (as we say) again today. It made me happy, but sad for the poor library in Georgetown. And for poor Aliza having to suffer through finals without her romance novels. Anybody else think that they put too many bodice-rippers on one shelf and they spontaneously combusted?

urbandictionary is chotto abunai too. Yes, I finally looked it up. I try to resist, but I never can.

edit: Saved is being turned into a broadway musical. This one's for you Mlle.anamuan.
(have you ever noticed how the html of lj user makes it seem like crack or heroin? if only I had seen this warning before!)

dad, library, stake musical, jefe, weather

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