
May 24, 2011 12:21

Yes, I'm still alive. I know I haven't been posting much recently, so here's the short-version update:

  • New job - Yes, I have a new job. I have no idea how it's going. Ask me again in three months or so. I'm always hypercritical of myself when I first start a position, so I've decided that I'm not allowed to assess how things are going for at least three months. We shall see.
  • The commute - Lovely. No complaints at all. I keep making all of my connections perfectly. Do the buses and subways really come as often as they seem? (They seem to come absolutely constantly.)
  • The house - Dear gods, do we need an electrician. I'm nearly ready to go with the $35K guy (if we could get him) just to get the bloody wiring DONE. I cannot stand another summer of heat with no air conditioning. Air is mandatory.
  • Poi - Poi! Poi! Poi! Poi! Poi! Yes, I've decided I love playing with poi. I'm trying to resist buying pretty shiny poi until I'm actually sure this hobby is going to stick, and all the while my brain keeps saying,"Poi! Fun! Shiny!" The resisting is working about as well as you might expect.
  • The long weekend - Lovely, lazy, fabulous. The only downside was my failure to get myself to Hadley's at dinner time for one of their fabulous portobello quinoa pecan burgers. I think I may rectify that tonight.
  • Organizing - I sorted through all of my clothes this weekend. I tried on every single thing I own, and only the attractive clothes that fit and don't need mending went back into the closet and drawers. Everything else either went (1) out of the house, (2) into the mending box or (3) into storage until I either change size again or decide I've waited long enough. Now, every time I go to get dressed, every single thing I put my hands to makes me feel lovely. Like this absolutely gorgeous new dress I have on today.
So, in short, life is very good.

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