May 08, 2006 21:30
So, Dr. Greskovich, the left-handed oral surgeon with the world's most cunning and soothing "okay" that could ever be uttered, made the easiest $1331.cents in his life. Four tiny holes made in 27 minutes with no stitches.
That was the first time I had ever been anesthetized. Pretty fuckin awesome, I gotta say.
The hydrocodone and caffeine are battling for supremecy right now.
Fuckin mmmmmmmmmmm
That was unrelated to the drugs...I just love pudding. This is my third bowl.
The nurse anesthetist had the words "PAIN IS LOVE" tattooed on her forearm. Fuckin...what? She must hate her job.
I miss my wisdom teeth, even though three of the four are two feet away, sleeping in a little sterile baggie. The fourth tooth, which I have named Zubi, had to depart in four pieces, and cound not join the others in their transparent plastic heaven. Gresky altered my dental geography. I used to have a nice arch in my teeth, where the very back of the wisdom tooth made a nice, clean mountain range that was flush against the gum at its end. Now there's a fuckin plateau back there. There's a red snow on the caps of these mountains now...a backwards waterfall up the plateau.
Mrrf yp hry yjr jr;; piy pg {rmdsvp;s/