Christmas Day

Dec 26, 2006 18:08

Since I dont believe in christmas, I have to say that this 1 was pretty damn good, very, very chilled
Sorta the zen of Xmas, just let it be, dont feed it, dont try to push it away, it just is. I seem to have learnt from the ghosts of Christmases past - just ignoring it and hoping it will go away just DOES NOT WORK, it is just depressing, no matter how much disdain you have for it, it is too much a part of modern western culture just to ignore.

I spent most o the day reading Questionable Content a very funny comic (which I have now run out of back issues to read :'( )and doing some cable origami to turn the massive LAN cable  that was connecting my PC (and which also resembled some bad macramé) into 2 usable cables (Im guessing the original was near 100m, cos 2 20m cables seem to have barely made a dent), and then run em along the walls rather than along the floor so
A) my cable wouldnt get broken by being stepped on
B) my housemate could have a cable long enuf to reach her PC from its new location and;
C)it looked a bit neater and didnt kill anyone
I hate cable origami

Nuf said on cabling, but I kinda feel Questionable Content Deserves more than one sentence, since it took over my life for several days. But bugger it i am REALLY bad at this. Ummm, Issues, people with lotsa issues. A kinda nerdy indie guy, His Anthropomorphic PC who makes garfield look charitable, A sassy southern girl who burns down her flat making toast b4 living on martins couch, a recovering scene goth and her Coffee of Doom, a heap of slightly neurotic (or outright nutty) very cute girls an guys, and more sass, wit, sarcasm, innuendo, injuries and quantum drunkenness jokes than one can poke a bottle of midnight hobo bourbon at.

Ill probably fix that description sometime, but it will do for now. I can say that XMAS stroganoff dinner was served at nearly 11pm cos I was 2 busy readin it 2 cook, and despite my tardiness laura seabrook (my housemate) and I enjoyed it and a nice glass o wine b4 bed

Thank you to Laura and my sister for their wonderful and most appreciated XMAS contributions which have given me the finances 2 get these lovely speakers on
which to listen to my music, tho i dont think the neighbours love me anymore, and thank you to my wonderful sister Elise 4 her advice on their purchase (her husband James manages a branch of the store I bought them from). DI.FM has never sounded so good.

Thanks for Reading my ramblings
There a few old things I will update later and backdate (1 is already mostly written) and hopefully i will update more soon
luv ya all
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