Thunder an Cuuuuuute animals

Nov 13, 2006 17:32

I gotta write this down. A couple of hours ago a sudden thunderstorm hit.
As soon as the first rumble came along, Peggy the dog was at my feet, under the computer desk, looking very worried (poor poogle). I was silly enuf to spend the time comforting him that i should have used shutting down (Gabi the cat was in the room too, but she wasnt worried), and we suddenly lost power. Prompted by the fact that the storm had  affected the power system, the one time I wasnt immediately up an shutting down and unplugging everythin, I pulled the plugs from the wall 4 the power, and diconnected the phone line, then proceeded to run round, shutting windows and the like, poogle at my heels and never more than a couple of meters away.

I thought things were OK once I reached my bedroom, remembering my workroom window was just about closed, and so stopped to give poor whimpering poogle a hug, and he happily jumped up on my bed (first time he has done this mind you, b4 I came along they (the animals) werent allowed in that room). So I gave him a hug b4 I went in2 the workroom, and then discovered that the water was coming str8 down the window in sheets, pooling at the bottom of the window (the vetricalloy openning type) and RUNNING inside, right behind my Mac etc. Thank goddess all was off at the power point. Oh well, just a bit wet. I wish I had a camera 4 when I was closing the laundry window an poogle was sitting next 2 the toilet, looking very forlorn.

Anyway, all done in the house, I went outside to see if I could find the other, VERY fluffy cat Xena .I call her Xenius cos the 1st time I saw her she was stalking perfectly balanced, along the top of the fence along the top of the fenceposts?! I have seen Gabi try this one, and she looks very funny, one set of paws on top of the fenceposts and one set along the big beam to which they are attached, some 4" below. Xeni a very wary cat, a huntress. She is very wary cat, often startled by sudden noises, and it took me weeks even to get near here, mostly by feeding her. It has taken a while but if she has been in the mood I have been able to give her a pat, and she is definitely VERY affectionate, but only if you can get near her 1st. I have never been able to pick her up.

Going to find her I decided not to put anything on, since I was just in my undies, and figured skin was waterproof anyway. I looked for the poor girl all over the yard, calling for her and making that clicking noise the she cometimes comes to, I had figured to see if there was food. After looking all over the yard, the shed, the garden shed, even peeking into the old roller doors that were apparently destined to be fincing, I just couldnt find her, and since the rain was driving and there was the risk of lightening, I had to give up and went inside to give poor peggy a hug.

It didnt last long, so after the downpour (or between downpours as it turned outI went out to find poor Xena, Images in my head of one very soggy torishell cat :(. I called out her name as soon as I got out the back, and heard a rather forlorn mew in retern. I went looking for her, and each time I called her name I  got that same mew. Finally I said 'Xena, where are you girl' and over the fence she popped, coming straight to my feet. I picked her up (even laura doesnt do this without heavy clothing) and took her inside, without a protest till I had the back door open and she clearly thought I should have put her down at the entrance, she quickly found out why I hadnt as I put her down and she got we feet just inside the door. The look on her face clearly said 'oh, so thats y you hadnt put me down yet' :) first time I have picked her up and not a scratch :B

Anyway, I gave the animals some food, and milk (lactose free of course) as they all seemed a bit rattled and then had a bit o a munch. I thought Xena had gone out again till the storm started up once more and the power died again, so poogle and I retreated to my room, so I could give him a hug in comfort, and much to my surprise, there was Xena on my bedside table. Peggy and I got on the bed, and Xeni had a little pat and went down to the other bedside near the foot of my bed. Not long afer and I am using peggy as a pillow and patting him, and I hear a clatter, open my eyes, and there is Xena, her nose 4 inches from mine. She had a pat with us then got up onto the windowsill, and then back down with us for a snooze. So there we were, me lying on peggy, and oddly, peegy lying on Xena, havin a snooz an seein out the storm, and there we stayed till peggy let off a fart (well he is a dog) some time later

Who would ever have thought Xena was such a lush

Prologue, while I was writing the above, I heard a mew, and Xena had come back in, evidently bringing me a present and _very pleased_ with herself. It turned out to be a live fledgling bird, and I am not good enuf to identify it. I couldnt be upset wih her, It is a HUGE compliment for a cat to bring you food, espescially still live, but the bird is in a little box right now, waiting 4 my housemate to come home so we can take it to the local vet who takes care of such things, if the poor little thing survives that long :(

Still very flattered tho, Xena loves me :B
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