Sep 26, 2005 16:44
Oh my. I'm rather sore from Nitrous. At least I think I am. I stand all day at work, so that may be a factor as well. Oh well. Hmmm got my first paycheck Friday...didn't have much after paying people back. Plus now I have to pay sixty-five for 'room and board'. Yeah, thanks for telling me the day before I got paid. Nice way to fuck up my plans. Whatever. I'm buying UUU's ex-car for five hundred ones. Wooo. Then after that I'm gonna save up to get a laptop...a Mac. Cause Macs are the shit. Broncos are the Chiefs tonight. Oh good 'ole fashion rivalries. These games are ALWAYS good. I bought two cds Friday. Cold's new one, and Rise Against-"Siren Song of the Counter Culture". I'm so caught up in the Rise Against cd, that I haven't even listened to Cold. I cut myself today at work, cause I'm hardcore too! I then came home and immediately put a Band-Aid on it! Cause I'm softcore as well. Yeah...lame.