Sep 02, 2005 23:43
after work, i went to michelles house. her and john were already swimming, so i went too. it was fun, steven called me and said he was coming over to swim with us. so he, laura and sweaters came. steven swam for a bit, laura had her period, and who sweaters didnt swim. then Melissa # 2 came by, she wanted to swim too, so left to get some clothes, michelle. john and i left to go eat, so did steven and them. as we were about to leave, melissa # 2 came to the house, but then we dropped her off at stevens and left to get food from HEB! we camed back and steven, laura, sweater, melissa # 2, came to michelle's house, and had a little drinking party. it was a fun night!! everyone left like at one or so, i left michelles. so that was my day. thanks
"love is love"
fuck off