Dear LiveJournal,
I apologise for neglecting you for God knows how long.
Lots of love, Angela
Well, as you may have guessed from above, I experienced the longest break from the Internet I have ever had. EVEREVEREVER.
Anyway, my life has been quite hectic. Between non-stop dance rehersals (THE SHOW IS THIS SATURDAY!!!), and revision I haven't had much time for anything else. I have recently accquired my Prom! dress (purple, £90 from Debenhams) and lovely red/purplish bruises on both my knees.
Today was quite so-so. I realised that I have a hidden talent in the high-jumping business, getting to a height of about 160cm, and so therefore becoming the champion of my PE class. Yes. I do know how proud you are now of me. I also got the time& day for my French oral: Monday 9th May, 11:35am. But because of the stupid system, I have to wait in a room from 9:05am *raises arms in mock celebration*
This Friday there is the promise of a good ol' piss up at the house of Louise. Quite unfortunately, I can't get too drunk in danger of a hangover the next day, which must be avoided due to all day dance rehearsal in the Talesin Theatre.
Oh yeah, and I envy anyone living near Sunderland who isn't tied down by GCSE revision on May 7th&8th.
I hope you are all ok.
OH YEAH - -the link for my dress if y'all interested.