Sep 08, 2006 16:08
I love being outside walking around.
I'm missing Taco Bell severely! If you like mexican food, DON'T come to Vancouver!!!! It's the only food they don't have!!!!!
I'm being a total loser and staying in on a Friday night so I can do homework and not be stressed out next week.
Looking at Lucy's picture makes me extremely sad. I miss her soooooo much right now!
We might be getting tropical fish in our apartment!!! That should help subside the Lucy pain ( a little.)
I wish it were St. Patrick's Day and I was sitting at Trolley's with my girl's reliving the Night of the Flying Burrito story. I miss my friends. I miss going out.
I want to spin a flag. This is the longest I've ever gone without touching one. I'm starting to dream about spinning. I miss being dark and tan and having crazy tan lines.
I miss A LOT of things right now. I'll adjust. I have to.