(no subject)

Dec 21, 2004 21:04

Taken from Thru_It_All (don't know how to put that symbol name.. hehe)
Name: Denise
Current mood: upset, at kufar room mate.
Current music: none.
Current hair: black? I'm at home, so I am not wearing hijab.
Current clothes: long grey sweater, jeans.
Current thing I ought to be doing: studying suras
Current windows open: Livejournalss
Current cd in stereo: dont have a stereo, but wishing if i did, it'd be some quranic recitations :)
Current crush: :x no one... ;)
Current favorite celeb: ?? dont know..
Dream that keeps coming back?: some about me getting married.

Remember your first love?: yes, Manny before I said Shahada.
Read the newspaper?: yes.. i try to.
Believe in miracles?: of course.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: too much at times.
Consider love a mistake?: no
Like the taste of alcohol?: eww.
Have a favorite candy?: hot tamales :D yum!
Believe in astrology?: no.
Believe in magic?: no.
Have any pets?: miniature schnauzer named Angel and a cat that is my rommate's, Simon.
Go to or plan to go to college?: go to. political science major. :D
Have any piercings?: ears
Have any tattoos?: no
Hate yourself: no
Have an obsession?: not that i know of
Have a secret crush? maybe

=Love life=
Single or attached?: single
Ever been in love?: yes,
Do you believe in "the one?": definately, I am hoping the one Allah picks for me is it inshaAllah

Hair: black
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 98 pounds and gaining :D
Eye Color: brown

Thought about: praying
Ate: hot wings
Read: a little book called: "Fortress of the Muslim"
Watched on tv: dont remember
Cried about: problems with my kufar room mate

--EITHER / OR:--
Cats or dogs: either
Pens or Pencils : pens
Gloves or Mittens: gloves
Food or Candy: both
coke or pepsi: pepsi

look like: me
go out with: a very pious guy
be best friends with: a Muslimah

called: my mom
talked to: room mate
instant messaged: brother
missed: my grandmother

--Have you Ever.--
Dated one of your best friends?: yes
Broke a bone:? no
Played Truth Or Dare?: in high school
Been in a fight?: yeah, long time ago.
Been close to dying?: not that i remember

The most embarrassing thing you've ever done?: dont remember
Your favorite movie? hm.. ?
Your bedroom like?: my friend Cristals, its nifty :D
Favorite thing for breakfast?: pancakes
Your favorite restaurant?: Chilis

What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: A Walk to Remember, cliche I know :P
What feature are you most insecure about?: my legs?? im too skinny, good thing no one sees them but me. :D
Do you have too many love interests?: no
Do you know anyone famous?: no
Do you know how to play poker?: no
What do you carry with you at all times?: my "Fortress of the Muslim" book.
How do you drive?: too fast sometimes, but safe.
Are you happy with your given name?: yes
What was the last song you were listening to?: dont remember
Have you ever been in a play?: no
Do you talk a lot?: sometimes
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: sometimes
Do you think you're cute? i've heard i can be
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: yes.
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