Nov 18, 2006 18:07
Re-wrote the script. Harris is reading it as we speak and we should get an answer by Monday. Knowing that it got into her hands means the agent thinks it's good for. Set is still a problem though. We found this really creepy wooden house, isolated and surrounded by creepy as trees. Fuck it's perfect. Diego talked to the owner and she seems pretty cool about us shooting our exteriors there. Diego is at Atlanta right now with Josh (producer) making sure the make-up is alright. Jenny is flying tomorrow to get her body molded.
It's funny, but since doing my movie I've been knee deep in independent horror movies...and I mean INDEPENDENT. Shit like Darkness (vampire movie not the one you think) and Bone Sickness. Jesus...these movies look like they were made by make-up artists and only care about the effects. God damn Fulci really fucked up the horror community. He was such a hack.